VI Methods

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Abort VIAborts the execution of a top-level VI. Details
Adapt NodesAllows LabVIEW to replace overloaded nodes with more appropriate implementations. For example, if you script an Add function and wire a Matrix control to it, LabVIEW breaks the wire. If you call Adapt Nodes, the Add function might be replaced with a Matrix Add VI. Operator overloading will not occur during scripting. You must call this method for Overloading to happen. Details
Block Diagram:Clean UpCleans up the block diagram of the VI by rearranging and resizing its objects and signals to improve readability. You also can select Edit»Clean Up Diagram to clean up the block diagram. Details
Block Diagram:Get Image ScaledReturns an image of the block diagram and scales it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. For example, if the image of the block diagram is 200 by 200 pixels and you wire a value of 50 to maximum width and a value of 100 to maximum height, this method returns an image that is 50 by 50 pixels. If you do not wire a value to maximum width or maximum height, the image retains its actual size. Details
Block Diagram:Remove Bad WiresRemoves all the broken wires on the block diagram of the VI. This method is similar to selecting Edit»Remove Broken Wires. Details
Clear HistoryClears the revision history of the referenced VI. Details
Compile:VICompiles the VI and optionally the entire VI hierarchy of that VI. Details
Configure Panel As Top-Level HiddenHides the front panel of the VI and optionally hides the VI from the taskbar when the VI runs as a top-level VI by changing the VI properties, such as the front panel transparency, run-time position, and minimization properties. This method is useful when you want to control if and when the front panel opens for top-level VIs. For example, use this method to hide the front panel of startup VIs of stand-alone applications that you build in LabVIEW. Details
Control Value:GetGets the value of a named control or indicator as variant data. Use the Variant to Data function to convert the data to another LabVIEW data type. Details
Control Value:Get AllGets the values of all controls or indicators in a VI as variant data. This method returns an array of clusters that contains control and indicator names and their values as variant data. Use the Variant to Data function to convert the data to another LabVIEW data type. Details
Control Value:SetSets the value of a named control or indicator of the variant. You can wire a value of any data type to this method. You do not have to use the To Variant function to convert the data to a variant data type. Details
Control VI Apply ChangesApply changes made to a control VI. This method returns an error if used on non-control VIs. Details
Create from Data TypeCreates a control or constant of the data type you specify. LabVIEW always creates a control initially, even if you configure Style to create a constant or indicator. To change the type of the new object, use the Indicator property. Details
Create from ReferenceCreates a constant or control using a constant or control reference as a template. Details
Debugging:Get Debug Button Display StateReturns TRUE if the button is enabled or FALSE if the button is grayed out. This method also returns the string for the tip strip associated with the button. For example, this method might return Step into For Loop for the Step Into button. Details
Debugging:Step IntoSingle-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Details
Debugging:Step OutSingle-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Details
Debugging:Step OverSingle-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Details
Default Values:Make Current DefaultChanges the defaults of all controls on the front panel to be the current values. This method is available only in edit mode. Details
Default Values:Reinitialize All To DefaultChanges the current values of all controls on the front panel to their defaults. Details
Detect Parallel LoopsDetects parallel loops in the VI. Details
Disconnect From LibraryDisconnects a VI that a LabVIEW project library owns from the owning project library. Details
EmptyEmpties the front panel and block diagram of the VI. Details
Find Control with Key FocusReturn a reference to the control that currently has key focus. If there is not a control with key focus in the target VI, Not a Refnum is returned. Details
Front Panel:CenterSpecifies whether to automatically center the front panel window on the computer screen. Details
Front Panel:CloseCloses the front panel window. Details
Front Panel:Get ImageReturns an image of the front panel as a flattened pixmap. Use the Front Panel:Get Image Scaled method to return an image of the front panel and scale it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. Details
Front Panel:Get Image ScaledReturns an image of the front panel and scales it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. This method is similar to the Front Panel:Get Image method. Details
Front Panel:OpenOpens the front panel window. If the front panel is already open, this method changes the state of the front panel window to the state you wire to this method. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:CenteredConfigures the referenced VI to center its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:CustomConfigures the referenced VI to open its front panel in a custom position every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Get PositionReturns the default position of the front panel window at run-time. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:MaximizedConfigures a VI to maximize its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:MinimizedSets a VI to minimize its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Details
Front Panel:Run-Time Position:UnchangedConfigures the VI to maintain the position of its front panel window when the VI runs. Details
Get Compile MetricsReturns a string that describes transform metrics from the most recent compile of the VI, if metric recording was enabled. Details
Get Conpane ImageReturns the connector pane image, as it appears in the Context Help window, as a cluster of image data so you can draw it as a picture using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the image to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs. Details
Get Control Index by NameGets the index for the control or indicator of the given name. If the control or indicator for which you want to get an index does not have a terminal on the block diagram, this method returns an error. Details
Get Library Access ScopeReturns the access scope or inherited access scope of this VI if it is owned by a LabVIEW project library. This method provides the same information as the method Source Scope:Get of the Project Library class without requiring a reference to the owning project library. Details
Get ObjectRef From BookmarkIDReturns a reference to the object, such as the label, that contains the bookmark. Details
Get VI BookmarksReturns the bookmark information for the specified VI reference. You must load the VI into memory in order to read the bookmark information. This method returns an error if the VI is password protected or if the VI does not have a block diagram. Details
Get VI Dependencies (Names and Paths)This method returns the names and paths of the VI dependencies of a VI. You can use this method to return a specific subset of the total set of VI dependencies of a VI. This method does not return non-VI dependencies, such as project libraries, XControls, classes, and statecharts. Details
Lock State:GetReturns the lock state of the VI and indicates whether the password for the VI is in the password cache. Details
Lock State:SetSets the lock state of a VI. If interactive is FALSE (default), you can use password to either unlock a password-protected VI or set the password of an unprotected VI. If interactive is TRUE, LabVIEW ignores password and displays a dialog box that prompts you to change the lock state. Details
Move ObjectsMoves the objects by the offset amount of pixels. Details
Pause VIPauses or unpauses the VI execution. Details
Populate Asynchronous Call PoolEnsures that the asynchronous call pool for a VI reference contains at least the number of data spaces specified by the Minimum Size parameter. By default, when you open a reference with the Open VI Reference function, LabVIEW allocates one data space per CPU core on the development computer. Details
Print:Panel To PostScriptPrints the panel of the VI to the specified PostScript file. Details
Print:Panel To PrinterPrints just the front panel to the current printer. You cannot use this method to print a block diagram, list of controls, or polymorphic VI front panel. Details
Print:VI To HTMLSaves the VI information to an HTML file and saves the graphics in external files. You can use the Open URL in Default Browser VI to display the HTML file in the default Web browser. Details
Print:VI To PrinterPrints the VI information to a printer. Details
Print:VI To RTFSaves the VI information to an RTF file. Details
Print:VI To TextSaves the VI information to a text file. You cannot save the icon, connector pane, front panel, block diagram, subVI icons, and VI hierarchy to text. Details
Remote Panel:Client ConnectionsReturns an array of clusters containing connection information about the clients viewing or controlling the VI. Details
Remote Panel:Close Connection To ClientCloses a remote front panel connection to a client. Details
Remote Panel:Lock ControlReturns control of the front panel to the server and queues any requests from clients to control the front panel. LabVIEW ignores this method if the front panel is already locked. Details
Remote Panel:Unlock ControlIf the front panel is locked, this method grants control to the next client in the queue. If no clients are in the queue, the method unlocks the front panel. LabVIEW ignores this method if the front panel is already unlocked. Details
Replicate ConpaneMake the connector pane of the VI Reference match the given connector pane. Details
Revert VIDiscards changes and reloads a VI from disk. Details
Run VIStarts the VI execution, similar to the Run button. This method is different than calling a VI because it uses the current values of all front panel controls for execution rather than using data passed in through parameters. This method also ignores the Execution:Show Front Panel On Call property of a VI and the Execution:Close After Call property. Details
Save:For PreviousSaves a copy of the VI that is readable by LabVIEW version 8.0 and later. If you save a password-protected VI for a previous LabVIEW version, you must enter the password. You can enter the password programmatically as an input on the Open VI Reference function. Details
Save:InstrumentSaves a VI that is not currently running and synchronizes the VI with the edited version in other application instances before saving. Details
Save:Run-Time MenuSaves the run-time menu to a file specified by Path. This method works only when the VI is running. It saves only menu items with valid tags. Details
Transaction:Begin UndoBegins an undo transaction on a VI. Details
Transaction:End UndoEnds an undo transaction on a VI. Details
Transaction:FailFails the current transaction and deletes the undo information for the transaction. Details
Transaction:Get Redo StateReturns whether there is an action to redo and, if so, the text that corresponds to that action. Details
Transaction:Get Undo StateReturns whether there is an action to undo and, if so, the text that corresponds to that action. Details
Transaction:RedoRedoes the last operation. This is similar to selecting Edit»Redo. Details
Transaction:UndoUndoes the last operation. This method is similar to selecting Edit»Undo. Details
VI Icon:Get As Image DataReturns the VI icon as a cluster of image data so you can draw it as a picture using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the image to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs. Details
VI Icon:Save To FileSaves an image of the VI icon to a file. Details
VI Icon:Set From FileSets the image of a VI icon from a file. LabVIEW creates a user layer called VI Icon for the image and deletes any other existing icon information from the Icon Editor dialog box. Details
VI Icon:Set From Image DataSets a VI icon from image data you specify. LabVIEW creates a user layer called VI Icon for the image and deletes any other existing icon information from the Icon Editor dialog box. Details
VI Strings:ExportExports the following strings about VI and front panel objects to a tagged text file: VI name and description, object caption labels, object free labels, default data (string, table, path, and array default data), private data (listbox item names, table row and column headers, graph plot names, graph cursor names, graph annotation names, and tab control page captions), and polymorphic VI data (instance names in the polymorphic VI and selector shortcut menus). Details
VI Strings:ImportImports the following strings about VI and front panel objects from a tagged text file: VI name and description, object caption labels, object free labels, default data (string, table, path, and array default data), private data (listbox item names, table row and column headers, graph plot names, graph cursor names, graph annotation names, and tab control page captions), and polymorphic VI data (instance names in the polymorphic VI and selector shortcut menus). Details