Lock State:Set Method

Short Name: Lock State.Set

Requires: Base Development System

Class: VI Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Sets the lock state of a VI. If interactive is FALSE (default), you can use password to either unlock a password-protected VI or set the password of an unprotected VI. If interactive is TRUE, LabVIEW ignores password and displays a dialog box that prompts you to change the lock state.

This method is similar to the Unlocked (no password), Locked (no password), and Password-protected options on the Protection page of the VI Properties dialog box.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
Lock StateYesSpecifies the level of editing permission of the VI.

0invalid lock state
1Not Locked—Users can see and edit the block diagram.
2Locked (No Password)—Users can see but not edit a block diagram.
3Password-protected—Users cannot see or edit the block diagram without a password.
InteractiveNoSpecifies whether to display a dialog box that prompts you to change the lock state. The default is FALSE.
PasswordNoIf lock state is Password-protected, password is the new password. If you are changing lock state from Password-protected, password is the old password. The default is an empty string.
Put in CacheNoIf Lock State is Password-protected, Put in Cache specifies whether to place the new password in the cache. The default is FALSE.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineNo
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes
Must wait until user interface is idleYes
Available with control VIsYes
Available with global VIsYes
Available with strict type definitionsNo
Available with polymorphic VIsYes