Print:VI To Printer Method

Short Name: Print.VI To Printer

Requires: Base Development System

Class: VI Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Prints the VI information to a printer.

If you use this method in a stand-alone application or shared library, LabVIEW prints only the front panel. This method is similar to the Printer option on the Destination page of the Print dialog box.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
FormatNoSpecifies which VI information to print and the format of the printout. You can select from Custom, Standard, Using Panel, Using SubVI, and Complete. If this input is not Custom, LabVIEW ignores all custom format properties in the Application printing property class.

0Custom (default)—Use the Property Node with the Application class printing properties to specify the format
1Standard—Prints the VI description, icon and connector pane, front panel, and block diagram.
2Using Panel—Prints the VI description, front panel, and controls and indicators, including data types, names, and descriptions. LabVIEW prints the controls and indicators in tabbing order.
3Using SubVI—Prints the VI description, icon and connector pane, and connected controls and indicators, including data types, names, and descriptions. LabVIEW prints the controls and indicators in tabbing order. This format is similar to the format of the VI and function reference topics in the LabVIEW Help.
4Complete—Prints the VI description; icon and connector pane; front panel; controls and indicators, including data types, names, and descriptions; block diagram; a list of subVIs, including icons, names, and paths; revision history information; and the VI hierarchy.
Scale Panel?NoSpecifies whether LabVIEW scales the front panel to fit the page. The default is TRUE.
Scale Diagram?NoSpecifies whether LabVIEW scales the block diagram to fit the page. The default is TRUE.
Page Headers?NoSpecifies whether LabVIEW prints page headers (which include the page number, VI name, and last modification date). The default is TRUE.
page Breaks?NoSpecifies whether LabVIEW inserts page breaks between the following sections: connector icon and description, front panel, list of front panel control details, block diagram, block diagram details, VI hierarchy, and list of subVIs. The default is FALSE.
Section Headers?NoSpecifies whether to print headers for each section listed above. If Format is Custom, Standard, or Complete, the default is TRUE. Otherwise, the default is FALSE.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryYes
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes
Must wait until user interface is idleYes
Available with control VIsYes
Available with global VIsYes
Available with strict type definitionsNo
Available with polymorphic VIsYes