Icon Editor Dialog Box

Requires: Base Development System

Display this dialog box in one of the following ways:

Use this dialog box to create and edit icons.

Note  The Icon Editor dialog box displays icons in 24-bit color. However, LabVIEW displays icons only in 8-bit color on the block diagram. Therefore, the icon you create in this dialog box might appear slightly different from the corresponding icon on the block diagram.

This dialog box includes the following pages and components:

You can modify the Icon Editor dialog box if you want to create a custom editing environment. To modify the Icon Editor dialog box, download the Icon Editor source files at ni.com. When you create a custom icon editor, you can call the Discover Who Invoked the Icon Editor VI at labview\resource\plugins\IconEditor\Discover Who Invoked the Icon Editor.vi to obtain the name, path, and application reference for the current item whose icon is being edited. You can use this information to customize the icon in a way you specify. For example, you might want to add a custom glyph to the icon based on the VI or library type.

When you create a custom icon editor, you must configure the VI to open its own front panel on call. For simple VIs that do not need to rearrange their front panels before opening, use the Execution:Show Front Panel on Call property. For more complex VIs that need to rearrange their front panels before opening, use the Front Panel:Open method.