Using Layers

Use layers to modify overlapping parts of an icon separately. LabVIEW saves layer information about an icon with the corresponding VI or library.

You can use the Layers page of the Icon Editor dialog box to configure the name, opacity, visibility, and order of the layers of an icon. Select Layers�Show Layers Page in the Icon Editor dialog box to display the Layers page.

The Layers page of the Icon Editor dialog box is separated into three sections. The first section includes the Icon Text layer. This layer represents all text you enter on the Icon Text page of the Icon Editor dialog box. The Icon Text layer is always the uppermost layer of the icon.

The second section of the Layers page includes all user layers. The Icon Editor dialog box creates a new user layer for each glyph you add to the icon and for each non-consecutive use of the editing tools on the right side of the dialog box. Select Layers�Create New Layer to create a new user layer during consecutive uses of the editing tools.

You can select a user layer by clicking the corresponding preview on the Layers page or by using the Move tool to select a layer in the Preview area of the Icon Editor dialog box. When you select a layer, the rest of the icon becomes dimmed so you can identify which layer you selected. After you select a layer, you can use the editing tools on the right side of the Icon Editor dialog box to modify that layer separately from all other layers.

You also can change the order of user layers. Select one or more user layers and click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the layers. Use options in the Layers menu to combine user layers you select or to combine all user layers of the icon. Select Edit�Clear User Layers to delete all user layers of the icon. Place a checkmark in the Merge all layers on commit checkbox on the Layers page of the Icon Editor Properties dialog box to merge all layers when you close the Icon Editor dialog box. Because LabVIEW saves layer information about an icon with the corresponding VI or library, merging icon layers reduces the size of the VI or library on disk.

The third section of the Layers page includes the Icon Template layer. This layer represents the icon template you select on the Templates page of the Icon Editor dialog box. The Icon Template layer is always the bottommost layer of the icon.

The Layers page displays the preview, name, opacity, and visibility of each layer. You cannot change the name of the Icon Text or Icon Template layers. However, you can change the name of all user layers. The default name for a glyph layer is the filename of the glyph without the file extension. The default name for a layer corresponding to a use of the editing tools is Tool.

Click and drag the blue Opacity slider for a layer to make the layer either more transparent or more opaque. Click the Visible? icon () to hide or display the layer.