Right-click the x- or y-scale of a graph or chart and select one of the following shortcut menu options to configure the x- or y-axis. You also can access these options by right-clicking the graph or chart and selecting from the X Scale or Y Scale shortcut menus. You also can use the X Scale and Y Scale properties to select a scale programmatically.
Note The following shortcut menu options do not apply to 3D graphs.
Marker Spacing—Uses Uniform (default) or Arbitrary marker spacing. By default, scale markers are uniform, or evenly spaced. By selecting arbitrary marker spacing, you can indicate specific inner markers for a scale. Arbitrary marker spacing is useful for marking a few specific points on a slide or rotary control, such as a set point or threshold.
Add Marker—Adds a marker to the scale. This option is not available if Marker Spacing is Uniform.
Delete Marker—Deletes a marker from the scale. This option is not available if Marker Spacing is Uniform, and if the scale contains only the two end markers.
Formatting—Displays a dialog box you can use to format the x- or y-axis.
Style—Sets the style for the marks on the scale.
Mapping—Select Linear (default) or Logarithmic.
AutoScale X or AutoScale Y—Autoscales the x- or y-scales based on the data you wire to them.
Loose Fit—Place a checkmark next to this option to round the end markers to a multiple of the increment used for the scale.
Visible Scale Label—Displays the Scale Label.
Expand Digital Buses—Displays digital waveform data as individual data lines. This option is available only for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Expand Digital Buses property to set how the data is displayed programmatically.
Swap Sides—Moves the scale to the opposite side of the display. This option is useful if you have two scales on one side of the graph or chart.
Note After you configure the x- or y-scale on a graph or chart, you can select Advanced»Reset Scale Layout from the shortcut menu to reset the position of the x- or y-scales.