Adding Markers to X- and Y-Scales on a Graph or Chart

Complete the following steps to add a marker to an x- or y-scale on a graph or chart.

  1. Right-click the x- or y-scale and select Marker Spacing»Arbitrary from the shortcut menu to configure the scale to use arbitrary marker spacing. LabVIEW removes all markers on the scale except the two end markers.
  2. Right-click the position on the scale where you want to add a new marker and select X Scale»Add Marker or Y Scale»Add Marker from the shortcut menu. LabVIEW adds a new marker to that location. You also can press the <Ctrl> key while you drag an existing marker to the location where you want to add a marker, or you can drag one of the end markers to the location where you want to add a marker.

    (macOS) Press the <Option> key. (Linux) Press the <Alt> key.
  3. (Optional) Use the Operating tool or the Labeling tool to change the value of the new marker.

To delete a marker, right-click the marker and select Delete Marker from the shortcut menu.