GraphChart Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

Active X ScaleGets or sets the active or current X-scale of a graph or chart. Details
Active Y ScaleGets or sets the active or current Y-scale of a graph or chart. Call this property before setting other properties on a specific scale. Details
Autoscale DelayNumber of seconds that elapse between two successive autoscale operations when the scale has to shrink to fit the data. This delay has no effect on autoscale operations that happen in response to data that causes the scale to grow in range. Details
Frame ColorGets or sets the frame color of the graph or chart. Details
Palette:Active ToolSets the tool that is currently selected on the graph palette. 0 is the selection cursor and 1 is the panning tool. 2-7 are the zoom tools: 2 is Zoom to Rectangle, 3 is X-zoom, 4 is Y-zoom, 5 is Zoom to Fit, 6 is Zoom Out about Point, and 7 is Zoom In about Point. Details
Palette:VisibleShows the graph palette. Details
Plot Area BoundsGets and sets the plot area bounds for the Graph and Chart. If it is a stacked chart, this property returns the bounds of the first plot area. You cannot set the plot area bounds for a stacked chart. Details
Plot Area:ColorsColors of the plotting area expressed in terms of (Foreground Color, Background Color) pair. Details
Plot Area:Colors:BG ColorBackground color of the plotting area. Details
Plot Area:Colors:FG ColorForeground color of the plotting area. Details
Plot Area:SizeSize of the active plotting area in terms of width and height in pixels. Details
Plot Area:Size:HeightHeight of the active plotting area in pixels. Details
Plot Area:Size:WidthWidth of the active plotting area in pixels. Details
Scale Legend:VisibleShows the scale legend. Details
Transpose ArrayTranspose data before plotting (switch X and Y). Details
X ScaleReference to the X-scale. Details
X Scrollbar VisibleDisplays the x-axis scroll bar for the graph or chart. Details
Y ScaleReference to the Y-scale. Details