Adding Multiple X- and Y-Scales on Graphs or Charts
Waveform, XY, intensity, and digital waveform graphs support multiple x- and y-scales. Mixed signal graphs and all charts support only multiple y-scales. Use multiple scales on a graph or chart to display multiple plots that do not share a common x- or y-scale.
Right-click the scale of the waveform graph or chart and select Duplicate Scale from the shortcut menu.
To move the new scale to the opposite side of the display, right-click the new scale and select Swap Sides from the shortcut menu.
Associate a plot to the new scale by right-clicking the plot in the plot legend and select from the X Scale or Y Scale shortcut menus. If the plot legend is not visible, right-click the graph or chart and select Visible Items»Plot Legend from the shortcut menu.
Note You also can use the Properties dialog box to associate a plot with a scale. Right-click the waveform graph and select Properties from the shortcut menu. On the Plots page, use the Y-scale and X-scale pull-down menus to associate a plot with the correct scale.
To change the range of the new scale, use the Operating tool or the Labeling tool to highlight the end value(s) of the scale and enter a new value. If you set the scale manually, you should disable autoscaling.