Scale Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject. View the class hierarchy.

Display FormatSpecifies the format and precision of the scale. Format can be 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, or 9-Custom (read-only). Precision is the number of digits after the decimal point. Details
Display Format:FormatSpecifies the format of the numeric increments of the scale. This property accepts the following format values: 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, and 9-Custom (read-only). You cannot wire a value of 9 to this property because the value is read-only. This property returns a value of 9 if the object uses automatic formatting, the format string contains text, or the format string includes more than one format specifier. Details
Display Format:PrecisionNumber of digits after the decimal point. If you wire a value of 9 to the Format property, this property returns an error. Details
EditableAllows editing of scale values. Details
FlippedIf TRUE, reverses the positions of the minimum and maximum values on the scale. Details
Format StringSets the format string of the scale. Details
Mapping ModeScale mapping mode: 0-Linear, 1-Logarithmic. Details
MarkerReference to the scale marker. Details
Marker ColorsText color and background color of scale marker. Details
Marker Colors:BG ColorBackground color of the scale marker. Details
Marker Colors:Text ColorColor of the scale marker text. Details
RangeA scale is a component of many front panel objects in LabVIEW, such as the X and Y scales of graphs and charts. The scale consists of a range of values, specified as a cluster of (Minimum, Maximum, Increment, Minor Increment, and Start). Details
Range:IncrementIncrement value of scale. Use this property to determine the distance between tick marks. Details
Range:MaximumMaximum value of scale. Use this property to set the maximum value allowed in the range. Details
Range:MinimumMinimum value of scale. Use this property to set the minimum value allowed in the range. Details
Range:Minor IncrementMinor increment value of scale. Use this property to determine the distance between minor tick marks. Details
Range:StartStart value of scale. Use this property to determine the value of the first tick marker after the minimum. Details
StyleGets or sets the style of the marks on a scale. The values (0-8) for this property correspond with the options on the Style shortcut menu, available by right-clicking a scale on a graph or chart and selecting Style, from top-left (0) to bottom-right (8). Details
Tick ColorsGets or sets the tick color and minor tick color of the scale. Details
Tick Colors:Minor Tick ColorColor of the minor tick mark. Details
Tick Colors:Tick ColorColor of the tick mark. Details
Uniform Marker Spacing?Determines whether the markers are uniformly spaced. Details
VisibleShows the scale. Details