Tools Palette

By default, LabVIEW selects tools for you based on the context of your cursor. If you need more control over which tool is selected, use the Tools palette to select a specific tool to operate or to modify front panel and block diagram objects. Select View»Tools Palette to display the Tools palette.

Press the <Shift> key and right-click to display a temporary version of the Tools palette at the location of the cursor.

You can disable automatic tool selection by clicking the Automatic Tool Selection button on the Tools palette, shown as follows.

When you click the Automatic Tool Selection button to disable automatic tool selection, you can either select a tool on the palette or use the <Tab> key to move through the most commonly used tools in the sequence they appear on the palette. When you select a tool, the cursor changes to correspond to the icon of the tool.

To return to automatic tool section, press the <Tab> key or click the Automatic Tool Selection button to enable automatic tool selection again.

You can configure LabVIEW to disable automatic tool selection and move through the most commonly used tools whenever you press the <Tab> key and to toggle automatic tool selection only when you press the <Shift-Tab> keys or click the Automatic Tool Selection button. Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box, select Environment from the Category list, and remove the checkmark from the Lock automatic tool selection checkbox.