Using Icon Templates

You can use the Icon Editor dialog box to create or modify icon templates. The Templates page of the Icon Editor dialog box displays all .png, .bmp, and .jpg files in the LabVIEW Data\Icon Templates directory. You can save icon templates you create to this directory so that they appear in the Templates page of the Icon Editor dialog box. Use the templates in the LabVIEW Data\Icon Templates\VI directory for VIs and custom controls. Use the templates in the LabVIEW Data\Icon Templates\Library directory for project libraries, classes, and XControls.

Note��If you do not use a template, consider adding a border to the icon. Double-click the Rectangle tool on the right side of the Icon Editor dialog box to add a one-pixel border to the icon in the Line Color.

If an icon template changes on disk, an icon referencing the template updates automatically when you next display the icon in the Icon Editor dialog box.

If you open a third-party VI, you can choose whether to save the corresponding icon template as a template for future use. Use the Templates page of the Icon Editor Properties dialog box to configure settings for saving third-party icon templates.

Select Tools�List Glyphs and Icon Templates to display all available icon templates and glyphs as well as the locations of those files on disk.

Select Edit�Import Glyph from File to display a file dialog box where you can locate and import a glyph to use as a template or an icon.