Managing a Project in LabVIEW

Projects in LabVIEW consist of VIs, files necessary for those VIs to run properly, and supplemental files such as documentation or related links. Use the Project Explorer window to manage projects in LabVIEW. In the Project Explorer window, you can use folders and libraries to group together items, and you can use a list of VI hierarchies called Dependencies to keep track of items a VI depends on.

Using the Project Explorer Window

Use the Project Explorer window to edit projects. To display the Project Explorer window, create a new project. You also can select File�Open Project to open an existing project.

The Project Explorer window, shown as follows, includes two pages, the Items page and the Files page.

The Items page displays the project items as they exist in the project tree. The Files page displays the project items that have a corresponding file on disk. You can organize filenames and folders on this page. Project operations on the Files page both reflect and update the contents on disk. You can switch from one page to the other by right-clicking a folder or item under a target and selecting Show in Items View or Show in Files View from the shortcut menu.

The Project Explorer window includes the following items by default:

You can hide the Dependencies and Build Specifications items in the Project Explorer window. If you hide either item you must display it again to access the item; for example, to build an application or shared library.

When you add another target to the project, LabVIEW creates an additional item in the Project Explorer window to represent the target. Each target also includes Dependencies and Build Specifications. You can add files under each target.

You can place a VI from the Project Explorer window on the block diagram of another open VI. Select the VI you want to use as a subVI from the Project Explorer window, and drag it to the block diagram of the other VI.

You also can use the Project properties and methods to configure and modify projects and the Project Explorer window programmatically.

Organizing Items in a Project

The following list describes some of the caveats and recommendations to consider when you organize items in a project:

Loading Project Items into Memory

When you open a project, LabVIEW searches the locations of project items on disk to populate the project tree. LabVIEW then loads the following libraries, including the libraries under Dependencies, into memory:

When loading libraries, LabVIEW loads the members of a library into memory as follows.

Library File Load Member VIs? Load Member Type Definitions? Load Member Libraries?
Project library (.lvlib) No Only the type definitions that the shared variables in the project library use Yes
Packed project library (.lvlibp) Yes Yes Yes
Note��When loading the member libraries, LabVIEW loads all the member VIs of the member libraries.
Class library (.lvclass) Yes Yes Yes
XControls library (.xctl) Only ability VIs, property VIs, and method VIs Only Data and State type definitions Yes
Statechart library (.lvsc) No No Yes

Use the VI Hierarchy window to view VIs in memory. If a library loads a VI or type definition into memory, the library also loads the entire VI hierarchy, which may include VIs that are otherwise not loaded.