Probability & Statistics VIs

Owning Palette: Mathematics VIs

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Probability and Statistics VIs to perform probability, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and interpolation functions.

Note  Many Probability and Statistics VIs are available only in the LabVIEW Full and Professional Development Systems. If you have the LabVIEW Base Development System, you have only a subset of the Probability and Statistics VIs.

The VIs on this palette can return mathematics error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
Correlation CoefficientComputes the linear correlation coefficient between input sequences X and Y.
Correlation Coefficient (Kendall's Tau)Computes the Kendall's Tau correlation coefficient between input sequences X and Y.
Correlation Coefficient (Spearman)Computes the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between input sequences X and Y.
Covariance MatrixComputes the covariance matrix of the input sequence X.
Create HistogramComputes a histogram for Signal.
General HistogramFinds the discrete histogram of the input sequence X based on the given bin specifications.
HistogramFinds the discrete histogram of the input sequence X.
MeanComputes the mean of the values in the input sequence X. You must manually select the polymorphic instance you want to use.
Measures of MeanComputes the central tendency of the data values in x array.
Measures of SpreadComputes the spread of the data values in x array.
MedianFinds the median value of the input sequence X by sorting the values of X and averaging the middle element(s) of the sorted array.
ModeFinds the modes (most common values) or estimated modes (most common range centers) of the input sequence X. This VI can perform unimodal or multimodal analysis. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use.
Moment about MeanComputes the moment about the mean of the input sequence X using the specified order, m.
MSEComputes the mean square error (mse) of the input sequences X Values and Y Values.
PercentilesComputes a value that is greater than p percent of the data values in x array. Wire data to the p input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.

RMSComputes the root mean square (rms) of the input sequence X.
Skewness and KurtosisComputes the skewness and kurtosis of the input sequence X.
Standard Deviation and VarianceComputes the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the values in the input sequence X.
StatisticsReturns the selected parameter of the first signal in a waveform.

Analysis of Variance VIsUse the Analysis of Variance VIs to perform analysis of variance functions.
Hypothesis Testing VIsUse the Hypothesis Testing VIs to test hypotheses about a population.
Probability VIsUse the Probability VIs to perform probability distribution and random number generation functions.