The Mathematics VIs and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.
Code | Description |
0 | No error. |
−23096 | Too many decimal points. For example, 1.23.45. |
−23095 | Not a valid function. For example, sins(x). |
−23094 | Incomplete function expression. For example, sin(x)+. |
−23093 | Incomplete expression. For example, x+. |
−23092 | Variables output problem. Depends on application. |
−23091 | Inconsistency in variables or numbers. Depends on application. |
−23090 | Contains more than one variable. For example, 1+x+y4. |
−23089 | Contains variables. Depends on application. |
−23088 | Wrong variable name. For example, a11. |
−23086 | Wrong function call. For example, sin(). |
−23085 | Wrong number format. For example, 1e-3 instead of 1E-3. |
−23084 | Wrong decimal point. For example, 1,2 for United States. |
−23083 | Bracket problem at the end. For example, (1+x. |
−23082 | Bracket problem at the beginning. For example, 1+x). |
−23081 | Bracket problem. For example, (). |
−23055 | Argument out of range [0,1). |
−23054 | Non-unique variables. |
−23053 | Signal length not a power of two and ≥ 4. |
−23052 | Signal length not a prime and ≥ 5. |
−23051 | Signal length not a power of two. |
−23050 | Signal length not a multiple of number. |
−23049 | Invalid window length. |
−23048 | Invalid time increment. |
−23046 | Empty array. |
−23045 | n < k |
−23044 | Argument out of range [0,1]. |
−23043 | Argument out of range (0,1]. |
−23042 | Negative argument. |
−23041 | Not exactly two variables. |
−23040 | Derivative out of range. |
−23039 | Parameter problem. |
−23038 | No variables in expression. |
−23037 | Not exactly two functions. |
−23036 | Different parameters. |
−23035 | Nonpositive number. |
−23034 | Ill conditioned system |
−23033 | Vectors have different dimensions or empty vectors. |
−23032 | Maximum does not exist. |
−23031 | No valid point. |
−23030 | m ≥ n ≥ 0 is violated or the matrix of derivatives has the wrong dimension. |
−23028 | Wrong model equation. |
−23027 | Not exactly one variable. |
−23026 | No optimum found. |
−23025 | Invalid triplet (a,b,c). |
−23024 | No root found. |
−23023 | Wrong dimension of start. |
−23022 | Nonpositive accuracy or nonpositive delta x(h). |
−23021 | Both function values have the same sign. |
−23020 | Left point greater than right point. |
−23019 | Right point is a root. |
−23018 | Left point is a root. |
−23017 | Multiple roots. |
−23016 | Singular eigenvector matrix. |
−23015 | Empty X0. |
−23014 | A and X0 have different dimensions. |
−23013 | Matrix vector conflict. |
−23012 | Nonpositive accuracy. |
−23011 | Nonpositive step rate. |
−23010 | Wrong input, Cash Karp method. Verify the values you wired to the ODE Cash Karp 5th Order VI. |
−23009 | Wrong input, Runge Kutta method. Verify the values you wired to the ODE Runge Kutta 4th Order VI. |
−23008 | Wrong input, Euler method. Verify the values you wired to the ODE Euler Method VI. |
−23007 | Not a graphs file. |
−23006 | Not a valid path. |
−23005 | Negative distance. |
−23004 | Number of color palettes out of range. |
−23003 | Number of contours out of range. |
−23002 | Discrepancy between function, variables and coordinates. |
−23001 | Syntax error of parser. |
−23000 | The starting error codes of engineering math. |
−20165 | The initial condition conflicts with the PDE class input. |
−20164 | The boundary condition conflicts with the PDE class input. |
−20163 | The domain conflicts with the PDE class input. |
−20162 | The right side of the PDE conflicts with the PDE class input. |
−20161 | The equation conflicts with the PDE class input. |
−20158 | The size of the initial condition of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain. |
−20157 | The size of the boundary condition of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain. |
−20156 | The size of the right side of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain. |
−20155 | The number of boundary points must be greater than or equal to 3 on the polygonal domain. |
−20154 | The number of grid points is 0 on the polygonal domain. |
−20153 | The number of spatial points must be greater than or equal to 3. |
−20152 | The number of time points must be greater than or equal to 2. |
−20151 | The final or end point must be greater than the initial or start point. |
−20144 | The interpolation size must be greater than or equal to the data size. |
−20143 | An input value is outside its acceptable domain. |
−20141 | The input must be non-zero. |
−20140 | The input must be greater than zero. |
−20127 | The number of samples is less than the number of unknown parameters. |
20005 | LabVIEW cannot reorder the generalized eigenvalues. |