Covariance Matrix VI

Owning Palette: Probability & Statistics VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Computes the covariance matrix of the input sequence X.


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X is the input sequence. Each column of X represents one vector of observed samples from one variable. Each row of X represents an observation from each variable.
covariance matrix V returns the covariance matrix of X. If X is an n-by-m 2D array, then the covariance matrix is a square m-by-m matrix.
mean vector returns the mean of each column variable in X.

Covariance Matrix Details

Given m vectors of observed samples where the ith column contains the variate xi, the covariance matrix is defined as:

Vij = cov(xi, xj) = (xiµi)(xjµj)

where µi is the mean of variate xi. Each element Vij of covariance matrix V is the covariance between variates xi and xj. The diagonal of covariance matrix V contains the standard variances of each xi variate.

mean vector returns the computed mean of each variate as shown by the following equation:

mean vectori = µi