Timing VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Timing VIs and Functions to manipulate the speed at which an operation executes and to retrieve time and date information from the computer clock.

Palette ObjectDescription
Date/Time To SecondsCreates a timestamp from a set of individual values that specify a date and time.
Elapsed TimeIndicates the amount of time that has elapsed since the specified start time.
Format Date/Time StringDisplays a timestamp value or a numeric value as time in the format you specify using time format codes.
Get Date/Time In SecondsReturns a timestamp of the current time. LabVIEW calculates this timestamp using the number of seconds elapsed since 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time.
Get Date/Time StringConverts a timestamp value or a numeric value to a date and time string in the time zone configured for the computer. The function interprets timestamp and numeric values as the time-zone-independent number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time.
High Resolution Polling WaitWaits the specified number of seconds with higher resolution than you can obtain with the Wait (ms) function. For example, use this VI in applications that require waiting with sub-millisecond resolution between steps. The resolution of the timer this VI uses varies with different operating systems and CPU types.

Unlike the Wait (ms) function, if the number of seconds you specify is 0, this VI does not force the current thread to yield control of the CPU. Use this VI with caution if you are concerned about high CPU loads: this VI may use polling to achieve high timing resolution for all or a portion of the wait time.
High Resolution Relative SecondsReturns the relative current time in seconds. Use the difference between two successive values to measure the elapsed time between the calls. Use this VI to measure time spans with much higher resolution than you can obtain from the Tick Count (ms) function. The time resolution of this VI may vary with different operating systems and CPU types.
Seconds To Date/TimeConverts a timestamp value or a numeric value to a cluster of time values.

This function loses fractional seconds of precision when converting the timestamp. If you convert date time rec back into a time stamp, the timestamp may not display the exactly correct value.
Stall Data FlowDelays the data flow of the wire for a specified period of time.
Tick Count (ms)Returns the value of the millisecond timer.
Time DelayInserts a time delay into the calling VI.
Time Stamp ConstantUse the time stamp constant to pass a time and date value to the block diagram.
To Time StampConverts a number to a timestamp.
Wait (ms)Waits the specified number of milliseconds and returns the value of the millisecond timer. (Windows) The actual wait time may be up to 1 ms shorter than the requested wait time.
Wait Until Next ms MultipleWaits until the value of the millisecond timer becomes a multiple of the specified millisecond multiple. Use this function to synchronize activities. You can call this function in a loop to control the loop execution rate. However, it is possible that the first loop period might be short. Wiring a value of 0 to the milliseconds multiple input forces the current thread to yield control of the CPU.