Source Control VIs

Owning Palette: Connectivity VIs and Functions

Requires: Professional System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Source Control VIs to access common source control features within LabVIEW. You must configure LabVIEW to work with a third-party source control provider before you can use the Source Control VIs.

The VIs on this palette can return source control error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
SCC AddAdds the specified files to source control.
SCC Check InChecks in the specified files to source control.
SCC Check OutChecks out the specified files from source control.
SCC Close SCC ProjectCloses an existing source control reference.
SCC Compare FilesReturns the difference between the specified file and, by default, the latest version of the file in source control.
SCC Compare VIsReturns the difference between the specified VI and by default, the latest version of the VI in source control.
SCC File HistoryReturns the source control history for specified files. The source control history provides information about previous versions of the files.
SCC File PropertiesDisplays a dialog box that contains the source control properties of a specified file, such as the file type and revision number. Some source control providers also return properties in the status message output.
SCC File StatusReturns the current source control status of specified files, including whether a file is in source control, whether it is checked out, and whether it is the latest version available in source control.
SCC Get Latest VersionCopies the latest version of the specified files from source control to the directory you specified during source control configuration.
SCC Not A Source Control ReferenceSpecifies whether a source control reference is a valid refnum.
SCC Open SCC ProjectOpens a new and unique reference to a source control project that you can use with the Source Control VIs.
SCC RemoveRemoves the specified files from source control.
SCC Undo Check OutCancels a previous source control check-out operation and restores the contents of the selected file to the previous version. Any changes you made to the file are lost.