Connectivity VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Connectivity VIs and functions to work with .NET objects, ActiveX-enabled applications, input devices, register addresses, source control, Web services, Windows registry keys, and other software, including National Instruments products you purchase.

.NET FunctionsUse the .NET functions to create .NET objects, set properties or call methods on those objects, and handle events for those objects in the .NET environment. You also can create a .NET control on the front panel.
ActiveX FunctionsUse the ActiveX functions to pass properties and methods to and from other ActiveX-enabled applications, such as Microsoft Excel.

Some applications provide ActiveX data in the form of a self-describing data type called a variant. To review or process the data in LabVIEW, you must convert it to a corresponding LabVIEW data type using the Variant To Data function.
Input Device Control VIsUse the Input Device Control VIs to obtain information about the joystick, keyboard, or mouse connected to a computer.
Libraries & Executables VIs and FunctionsUse the Libraries & Executables VIs and functions to call code from libraries, such as dynamic link libraries (DLLs); to manipulate LabVIEW data for use in other applications; and to call code written in text-based programming languages.
Python FunctionsUse the Python functions to call Python code from LabVIEW.
Source Control VIsUse the Source Control VIs to access common source control features within LabVIEW. You must configure LabVIEW to work with a third-party source control provider before you can use the Source Control VIs.
Web Services VIsUse the Web Services VIs to build and configure top-level VIs in LabVIEW Web services. You can accept and process HTTP requests from Web clients, create HTTP sessions, and perform other tasks associated with Web services communication.
Windows Registry Access VIsUse the Windows Registry Access VIs to create, open, query, enumerate, close, and delete Windows registry keys. You also can enumerate, read, write, and delete the value of Windows registry keys.

(Windows) The Connectivity palette also includes the following subpalette.

DataFinder Toolkit VIsUse the DataFinder Toolkit VIs to work with the DataFinder in LabVIEW. You can use the DataFinder to search for simple texts or to execute advanced searches for any data properties, in indexed data. You can use the DataFinder Toolkit VIs to connect search conditions with the logical operators AND and OR, and to access the mass data and properties of the search results.