SCC Compare Files VI

Owning Palette: Source Control VIs

Requires: Professional System

Returns the difference between the specified file and, by default, the latest version of the file in source control.


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advanced options is reserved for internal use.
source control reference in contains a reference to the source control project configured in LabVIEW. The source control reference must be a valid reference created with the SCC Open SCC Project VI.
file path specifies the path to the file the VI uses for comparison.
compare method specifies the way in which the VI performs a comparison on the files. If you select contents, checksum, or time, the comparison is silent, which means the VI does not return data in a dialog box. Checksum and time comparisons are faster but less detailed comparison methods than contents comparison.

0source control provider default (default)—The VI uses the default comparison method from the source control provider. The VI returns data in a dialog box or a status message.
1contents—The VI performs a byte-by-byte comparison.
2checksum—The VI uses the checksums of the files to perform a comparison. Not all source control providers support checksum comparisons.
3time—The VI uses the timestamps in the files to perform a comparison. Not all source control providers support time comparisons.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
compare options specifies whether to modify the comparison to include case sensitivity and white space. Not all source control providers support this parameter.
ignore case? specifies whether the comparison is case sensitive. The default is FALSE, in which the comparison is case sensitive.
ignore space? specifies whether the comparison includes white spaces. The default is FALSE, in which the comparison includes white spaces.
version specifies the version of the file you want to compare. The default is an empty string. If the string is empty, the VI compares the latest version of the file. Not all source control providers support this parameter. The syntax for this parameter varies for each provider. Refer to the source control provider documentation for more information about version syntax.
file differs? returns TRUE if the specified file differs from the version in source control, based on the compare method you select.
source control reference out returns source control reference in unchanged.
status message returns the results of the comparison if the VI performed a silent comparison method. Depending on the source control provider, the output might include status information or non-critical error messages.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

SCC Compare Files Details

This VI treats files either as text or binary. Depending on the source control provider you use, the VI displays the differences in a dialog box or returns them in the status message output. Use the SCC Compare VIs VI to compare LabVIEW file types, such as VIs, controls, or global variables.