Dialog & User Interface VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Dialog & User Interface VIs and functions to create dialog boxes to prompt users with instructions.

Palette ObjectDescription
Clear ErrorsResets the error status to no error, code to 0, and source to an empty string. Use this VI when you want to ignore an error. By default, this VI ignores all errors. Wire an error code value to specific error code to clear if you only want to ignore a specific error.
Color Box ConstantUse the color box constant to supply a constant color value to the block diagram.
Display Message to UserDisplays a standard dialog box that contains an alert or a message for users.
Error Cluster ConstantUse the error cluster constant to pass an error cluster value to the block diagram. Set this value by clicking inside the constant with the Operating tool and specifying values for the status, code, and source elements.
Error Cluster From Error CodeConverts an error or warning code to an error cluster. This VI is useful when you receive a return value from a shared library call or when you return user-defined error codes.

Passing error code 0 means that no error occurred and the VI does not modify the error cluster.
Error RingUse the Error Ring to quickly select and pass NI or custom error codes throughout your VI.
Find First ErrorTests the error status of one or more low-level functions or subVIs that produce a numeric error code as output.
General Error HandlerIndicates whether an error occurred. If an error occurred, this VI returns a description of the error and optionally displays a dialog box.
Generate Front Panel ActivityProgrammatically generates front panel activity so any VI execution halted by the Wait on Front Panel Activity function continues executing. No actual changes occur on the front panel.
Listbox Symbol Ring ConstantUse the listbox symbol ring constant to assign symbols to items in a listbox control.
Merge ErrorsMerges error I/O clusters from different VIs and functions.
One Button DialogDisplays a dialog box that contains a message and a single button.
Prompt User for InputDisplays a standard dialog box that prompts users to enter information, such as a user name and password.
Simple Error HandlerIndicates whether an error occurred. If an error occurred, this VI returns a description of the error and optionally displays a dialog box.
Three Button DialogDisplays a dialog box that contains a message and three buttons.
Two Button DialogDisplays a dialog box that contains a message and two buttons.
Wait For Front Panel ActivityPauses the execution of the calling VI block diagram in run mode until the function detects front panel activity in the front panel you want to monitor.
Write to System LogWrites a message to the nierrlog system log for storage and subsequent viewing.

Cursor VIsUse the Cursor VIs to change the appearance of the cursor on the front panel of a VI. For example, if the VI is acquiring or analyzing data and can accept no user input, you might want to change the cursor to an hourglass or watch cursor. After the VI finishes acquiring or analyzing data and can accept user input, you can change the cursor back to the default cursor.
Events FunctionsUse the Events functions to register events dynamically and to create user events.
Help VI and FunctionsUse the Help VI and functions to link from VIs to HTML files or compiled help files.
Menu FunctionsUse the Menu functions to modify the menus in LabVIEW applications. Use the functions located on the top row of the palette to handle menu selections.
Multiple Errors VIsUse the Multiple Errors VIs to convert an error cluster into different formats or to manipulate the attributes of an error cluster.