Three Button Dialog VI

Owning Palette: Dialog & User Interface VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Displays a dialog box that contains a message and three buttons.


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Justify Message sets the justification of the text that is displayed.

0Left—Justifies the text to the left.
1Center—Centers the text.
2Right—Justifies the text to the right.
Window Title is the text to display in the title bar of the dialog box.
message is the text to display in the dialog box. The dialog box has a maximum size based on your computer screen resolution and system font size. If the text exceeds the maximum size of the dialog box, a vertical scrollbar appears on the right side. Scroll to display the text beyond the maximum size.
Left Button Text is the text to display on the left button. The default is Yes.
Center Button Text is the text to display on the center button. The default is No.
Right Button Text is the text to display on the right button. The default is Cancel.
Keyboard Shortcuts specifies keyboard shortcuts for each button in the dialog box. For example, you can specify a shortcut of <F1> for a Help button in the dialog box. The default is a shortcut of <Enter> for the left button and no shortcuts for the center and right buttons.
Left Button Key Shortcut specifies a keyboard shortcut for the left button.
If Control is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Ctrl> key.
If Shift is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Shift> key.
Key is the name of the shortcut key. Key must match a key name on the Key Navigation page of the Properties dialog box.
Center Button Key Shortcut specifies a keyboard shortcut for the center button.
If Control is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Ctrl> key.
If Shift is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Shift> key.
Key is the name of the shortcut key. Key must match a key name on the Key Navigation page of the Properties dialog box.
Right Button Key Shortcut specifies a keyboard shortcut for the right button.
If Control is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Ctrl> key.
If Shift is TRUE, the keyboard shortcut includes the <Shift> key.
Key is the name of the shortcut key. Key must match a key name on the Key Navigation page of the Properties dialog box.
If Allow user to close window? is TRUE (default), the operating system window close button appears in the dialog box, and the user can close the dialog box without clicking the left, center, or right buttons. In most operating systems, the window close button appears in the upper right corner of the window.
Which Button? indicates which button the user clicked.

0Left Button
1Center Button
2Right Button
3Window Close—The user closed the dialog box without clicking the left, center, or right buttons.

Three Button Dialog Details

If you wire an empty string to a button text input, this VI hides that button. This allows you to convert a three button dialog box to a one or two button dialog box. For example, you could use this functionality to hide a Help button when no help is available. If you wire an empty string to all three button text inputs, this VI displays a dialog box with a single default OK button.