Two Button Dialog Function

Owning Palette: Dialog & User Interface VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Displays a dialog box that contains a message and two buttons.

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message is the text to display in the dialog box. The dialog box expands when you add more text. This function automatically wraps the text based on the size of the dialog box. The dialog box can display as much text as your computer screen can display. If you want a scrollbar to show when the size of the dialog box exceeds your desired size, use the Three Button Dialog VI. With this VI, you can convert a three button dialog box to a one or two button dialog box by wiring an empty string to a button text input to hide that button.
T button name is the name displayed on one of the dialog box buttons. The default is OK.
F button name is the name displayed on one of the dialog box buttons. The default is Cancel.
T button? returns a value of TRUE if you click the dialog box button named T button name. If you click the dialog box button named F button name or click the close window button, T button? returns a value of FALSE.