Multiple Errors VIs

Owning Palette: Dialog & User Interface VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Multiple Errors VIs to convert an error cluster into different formats or to manipulate the attributes of an error cluster.

Palette ObjectDescription
Convert to Encoded Error ClusterConverts an error cluster from legacy format to JSON encoded format.
Convert to Legacy Error ClusterConverts an error cluster from JSON encoded format to legacy format.
Error Cluster to Array of ErrorsConverts a cluster of errors into an array of encoded errors. This VI returns an empty array if the error cluster does not include any errors.
List Error Cluster AttributesReturns the names of all attributes stored in an error cluster. For a single cluster that stores multiple errors, this VI lists only the attribute names of the first error.
Read Error Cluster AttributeReturns the value of an attribute stored in an error cluster. If the attribute is not found, this VI returns an empty string.
Remove Error Cluster AttributeRemoves an attribute from an error cluster.
Write Error Cluster AttributeUpdates the value of an attribute stored in an error cluster. If the specified attribute name is not found, this VI adds the attribute with the specified value to the error cluster.

For a single cluster that stores multiple errors, this VI updates only the first error.