Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions
Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.
Use the Report Generation VIs to create and manipulate reports of LabVIEW applications. You also can use the VIs on this palette to insert text, tables, and graphs into bookmark locations.
The VIs on this palette can return report generation error codes.
You can use the Report Generation VIs to generate reports that contain VI documentation or data the VI returns.
![]() | Note Some of the VIs on this palette include inputs and outputs the VI ignores unless you install the Report Generation Toolkit. |
![]() | Note In some cases, VIs on this palette store graphic files (jpg, png, ...) on the windows temp folder. Links to these files are used in reports, html files, and other results. It is not possible to delete the files automatically because it is uncertain how long the reports are going to be used. It might be necessary to delete them manually from time to time. |
Palette Object | Description |
Append Control Image to Report | Creates an image of the front panel object specified in ctrl reference and appends it to a report. |
Append Front Panel Image to Report | Creates an image of the front panel of the VI you specify in VI and appends it to a report. Wire data to the VI input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance. |
Append Image to Report | For an HTML report, the VI embeds a link to an image into the report.
You can wire either a path to the image or a string that contains the image URL to this polymorphic VI. Wire data to the path or URL of image input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance. |
Append List to Report | Adds a list of elements to the report. |
Append Report Text | Appends text to the selected report. Wire data to the text input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance. |
Append Table to Report | Appends a 2D array to a report as a table with the given column width. Wire data to the text data input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance. |
Create Easy Text Report | Allows you to pass in a block of text along with optional formatting information and print the report to a designated printer or publish the report to a specified file path. |
Create Report | Creates a new report. |
Dispose Report | Closes the report and releases its interface, which saves memory. |
Print Report | Prints a report to a designated printer or to the default printer on the computer. |
Print VI Panel or Documentation | Prints a front panel or VI documentation or saves the front panel or VI documentation to a report. |
Report | Generates a preformatted report that contains VI documentation, data the VI returns, and report properties, such as the author, company, and number of pages. |
Save Report to File | Saves an HTML report to the file specified in report file path. |
Set Report Font | Sets the font properties of the report, including those in the headers and footers. |
Subpalette | Description |
Advanced Report Generation VIs | Use the Advanced Report Generation VIs to manipulate reports you create in LabVIEW. |
HTML Reports Only VIs | Use the HTML Reports Only VIs to manipulate HTML reports you create in LabVIEW. |
Report Layout VIs | Use the Report Layout VIs to manipulate the layout of reports you create in LabVIEW. |
VI Documentation VIs | Use the VI Documentation VIs to customize the VI documentation you print or save to a report. VI documentation can include the icon and connector pane, front panel, block diagram, VI hierarchy, revision history, controls and indicators, and so on. |
Refer to the HTML Report VI in the labview\examples\Report Generation\HTML Reports directory for an example of using the Report Generation VIs.