Create Report VI

Owning Palette: Report Generation VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Creates a new report.

If you do not use the Create Easy Text Report VI, to create a report, you must use this VI.

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window state (Report Generation Toolkit) sets the Microsoft Word or Excel window to display as normal, minimized, or maximized. The VI ignores this input for HTML reports.

2normal (default)
3no change
display alerts? (Report Generation Toolkit) determines whether prompts and alerts appear in Microsoft Word or Excel. The default is FALSE, which disables alerts. The VI ignores this input for HTML reports.
report type is the type of report you want to create.

0HTML—Creates an HTML report and returns a reference to it in report out so you can use other Report Generation VIs to customize, save, or print the report.
1Word (Report Generation Toolkit)—Creates a report in Word and returns a reference to it in report out so you can use other Report Generation VIs to customize, save, or print the report.
2Excel (Report Generation Toolkit)—Creates a report in Excel and returns a reference to it in report out so you can use other Report Generation VIs to customize, save, or print the report.
template (Report Generation Toolkit) specifies a path to a Word document or Excel worksheet that acts as a report template. Enter the path to an existing Word document or Excel worksheet to open and edit an existing report for a template. The VI ignores this input for HTML reports.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
machine name (Report Generation Toolkit) specifies a computer from which Microsoft Word or Excel runs remotely. The VI ignores this input for HTML reports.
report out is a reference to the report whose appearance, data, and printing you want to control. You can wire this output to other Report Generation VIs.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.