SceneObject Methods

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Scene»SceneNode. View the class hierarchy.

Clip Plane:Add Clip PlaneAdds a clip plane to the 3D scene. If you wire the Clip Plane output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it. Details
Clip Plane:Clip Plane CountReturns the number of clip planes directly owned by this object. Details
Clip Plane:Get Clip PlaneGets the child clip plane owned by this object at the given index. Details
Clip Plane:Get StateReturns the state of the clip plane applied to an object in a 3D scene. Details
Clip Plane:Remove Clip PlaneRemoves the given clip plane if it is owned by this object. Details
Clip Plane:Set StateSets a state for the clip plane. Details
Light:Add LightReads or writes the light you add to a 3D scene. If you wire the Light output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it. Details
Light:Get LightGets the child light owned by this object at the given index. Details
Light:Get StateReturns the state of the light. Details
Light:Light CountReturns the number of lights directly owned by this object. Details
Light:Remove LightRemoves the given light owned by this object. Details
Light:Set StateSets a state for the light. Details
Object:Add ObjectReads or writes a 3D object you add to a 3D scene. If you wire the Object output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it. Details
Object:Find ObjectTakes a 3D scene reference and an object name and returns the first object in the scene with a matching name. Details
Object:Get ObjectReturns a reference to a child object identified by the index you specify. Details
Object:Object CountReturns the number of children directly under the scene object. Details
Object:Remove ObjectRemoves a child object from the 3D object. Details
Set Billboard ParamsSets or updates parameters for billboarding. Details
Set DrawableSpecifies the drawable attribute to apply to a 3D object. Drawable attributes include geometries and text. You must specify a drawable attribute for the object to appear in the 3D scene. Details
Texture:Remove TextureRemoves the texture image associated with the object. If texturing is enabled, the object inherits the texture of its parent after this method executes. Details
Texture:Set TextureReads or writes the texture you apply to an object in a 3D scene. Details
Transformation:ClearClears any transformations applied to the object and sets the transformation property to the identity matrix. Details
Transformation:Get RotationReturns the Axis and Angle that define the rotation of the object. Details
Transformation:Get ScaleReturns the scale factors of the object. Details
Transformation:Get TranslationReturns the translation of the object. Details
Transformation:RotateRotates the object around the given Axis by the Angle. This method performs a relative rotation from the current position of the object. Details
Transformation:ScaleScales the object by the specified scaling factor. This method performs a relative scale from the current position of the object. Details
Transformation:Set RotationRotates the object around the given Axis by the Angle. This method performs an absolute rotation from the current position of the object. Details
Transformation:Set ScaleScales the object by the specified scaling factor. This method performs an absolute scale from the current position of the object. Details
Transformation:Set TranslationTranslates the object by the specified vector. This method performs an absolute translation from the initial position of the object. Details
Transformation:TranslateTranslates the object by the specified vector. This method performs a relative translation from the initial position of the object. Details