Color Change VI

Owning Palette: Helpers VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Converts an RGB color and an alpha into an RGBA cluster that you can apply to a 3D object.

 Add to the block diagram  Find on the palette
Color is the color that you want to convert to its respective red, green, and blue components.
Alpha specifies the level of opacity of the RGB color when the color is applied to the 3D object. Alpha must be a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque. The default is 1.
Note  If you want the returned color to be transparent when you apply it to a SceneObject, you must enable blending on the SceneObject and set the Blending:Bin property to Transparent Bin.
RGBA is the input color converted to the RGBA format.
R indicates the red value.
G indicates the green value.
B indicates the blue value.
A indicates the Alpha value.