Adding Targets to a Project (Windows)

To add a target to a LabVIEW project, you must have a module or driver that supports targets installed.

Complete the following steps to add a target or device to a project.

  1. Create a project.
  2. Right-click the project root and select New»Targets and Devices from the shortcut menu to display the Add Targets and Devices dialog box. If a target in the project supports other targets, you also can right-click the target and select New»Targets and Devices from the shortcut menu to add a target under the existing target. For example, if you have an NI PCI device installed on a computer, you can add the device under My Computer.
  3. Select the type of target or device you want to add and click the OK button. An item representing the target appears in the Project Explorer window.
Note Note  If a target you want to add conflicts with another target, the Add Targets and Devices dialog box displays the Options column next to the Targets and Devices list. Click the down arrow next to the selected conflict in the Options column and select from the available options to resolve the conflict. You only can resolve conflicts for one target at a time. LabVIEW dims the OK button until you resolve all conflicts in the Options column for the selected target.

You can add items under a target. You also can use a target folder to organize one or more targets in your LabVIEW project. To add a target folder to the project, right-click the project root in the Project Explorer window and select New»Target Folder from the shortcut menu. A target folder appears in the Project Explorer window.