Adding Items to a Project

Use the Project Explorer window to add LabVIEW files, such as VIs and libraries, as well as files not specific to LabVIEW, such as text files and spreadsheets, to a target in a LabVIEW project. When you add files to a project, LabVIEW creates items in the Project Explorer window to represent the files on disk. You can create an organizational structure for items in a project.

An item can appear only once under a target. For example, if you add a file from a directory on disk to the My Computer target and then add the entire directory to the My Computer target, LabVIEW does not include the file again.

From the Items page in the Project Explorer window, you can add items under a target in a project in the following ways:

Note  You cannot drag and drop items in the Project Explorer window to the file system.

You also can add new LabVIEW files to a project from the New dialog box. Select File»New or Project»Add To Project»New to display the New dialog box. In the New dialog box, select the item you want to add and place a checkmark in the Add to project checkbox. If you have multiple projects open, select the project to which you want to add the item from the Projects list.

Items you add to the Project Explorer window can include icons.