Creating a LabVIEW Project

Use projects to group together LabVIEW files and files not specific to LabVIEW, create build specifications, and deploy or download files to targets.

You must use a project to build applications and shared libraries. You also must use a project to work with a Windows Embedded Standard, RT, or FPGA target. The LabVIEW Real-Time and FPGA Modules add functionality to the LabVIEW development system and must be purchased separately. Refer to the specific module documentation for more information about using projects with a module.

Complete the following steps to create a project:

  1. Select File�Create Project to display the Create Project dialog box. The Create Project dialog box includes a list of templates and sample projects you can use to ensure that the project you create uses reliable designs and programming practices.
  2. Search for the template or sample project that supports the goal you want the project to accomplish. Use the following features to search for templates and sample projects:
  3. Click the Next or Finish button to configure details of the project, including how the project is saved. After you finish configuring the project, LabVIEW saves the project and opens the Project Explorer window.
  4. Use the Project Explorer window to modify the project. Refer to the comments on the block diagrams of VIs in the project for more information about how to modify the project. Also refer to the Project Documentation folder in the Project Explorer window for more information about how to modify the project.

You also can use the Project:New method to create a blank new project programmatically.

Note Note  You can build custom templates and sample projects and use them to develop LabVIEW projects. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information on how to make custom templates and sample projects accessible from the Create Project dialog box.