The following figure shows an example of using the Network Streams functions to stream data between two applications on different computers.
The following events occur in the previous figure.
The Create Network Stream Writer Endpoint function creates a writer endpoint on Computer 1, and the Create Network Stream Reader Endpoint function creates a reader endpoint on Computer 2.
Note��You can run the Create Network Stream Writer Endpoint and Create Network Stream Reader Endpoint functions in any order. These functions will create a network stream unless the timeout in ms terminal on one function expires before the other function runs. |
The writer endpoint establishes a connection with the reader endpoint using the endpoint URL of the reader endpoint. |
Within the Writer Loop, the Write Single Element to Stream function continuously writes the value of the iteration (i) terminal of the While Loop to the stream.
Note��You also can use the Write Multiple Elements to Stream function to stream more than one data point at a time. For example, use this function if you need to stream two samples of waveform data every second. |
Within the Reader Loop, the Read Single Element from Stream function continuously reads the stream.
Note��You also can use the Read Multiple Elements from Stream function to read a stream. You can use a Read Multiple Elements from Stream function even if you used a Write Single Element to Stream function in the other application, and vice versa. |
Data streams continuously until the user clicks the Stop button on Computer 1. |
The Flush Stream function transfers all remaining data to the reader endpoint. |
The Destroy Stream Endpoint function destroys the writer endpoint. |
The reader endpoint receives an error due to disconnection, and data flow exits the While Loop. |
The Destroy Stream Endpoint function destroys the reader endpoint, which destroys the stream. |