Network Streams Functions

Requires: Base Development System (Real-Time, Windows). This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Network Streams functions to stream data continuously between two LabVIEW applications.

Palette ObjectDescription
Create Network Stream Reader EndpointCreates the reader endpoint of a network stream. This function will not run unless you also create a writer endpoint with the Create Network Stream Writer Endpoint function. You must wire either the writer url input of this function or the reader url input of the Create Network Stream Writer Endpoint function. If you do not wire either of these inputs, your endpoints will not create a network stream. Refer to the Streaming Data and Sending Commands between Applications topic for more information about using this function.
Create Network Stream Writer EndpointCreates the writer endpoint of a network stream. This function will not run unless you also create a reader endpoint with the Create Network Stream Reader Endpoint function. You either must wire the reader url input of this function or the writer url input of the Create Network Stream Reader Endpoint function. If you do not wire either of these inputs, your endpoints will not create a network stream. Refer to the Streaming Data and Sending Commands between Applications topic for more information about using this function.
Destroy Stream EndpointDestroys the specified endpoint. To completely destroy a stream and free up the memory allocated to that stream, you must destroy both the reader and writer endpoints. To ensure that you do not lose any data when you destroy a stream, use the Flush Stream function before this function on the writer endpoint.
Flush StreamTransfers all data to the reader endpoint before data flow resumes. You can call this function from the writer endpoint only. Use this function before using the Destroy Endpoint function to ensure that the writer endpoint buffer is empty before you destroy it.
Network Streams Property NodeGets (reads) and/or sets (writes) properties of a reference.
Read Multiple Elements from StreamReads an array of elements from a network stream. You can call this function from the reader endpoint only.
Read Single Element from StreamReads a single element from a network stream. You can call this function from the reader endpoint only.
Write Multiple Elements to StreamWrites an array of elements to a network stream. You can call this function from the writer endpoint only.
Write Single Element to StreamWrites a single element to a network stream. You can call this function from the writer endpoint only.

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