Functions Overview

Functions are the essential operating elements of LabVIEW. Function icons on the Functions palette have pale yellow backgrounds and black foregrounds. Functions do not have front panels or block diagrams but do have connector panes. You cannot open or edit a function.

The Functions palette also includes the VIs that ship with LabVIEW. Use built-in VIs as subVIs in an application to reduce development time.

Adding Terminals to Functions

You can change the number of terminals for some functions. For example, to build an array with 10 elements, you must add 10 terminals to the Build Array function.

You can add terminals to functions by using the Positioning tool to drag the top or bottom borders of the function up or down, respectively. You also can use the Positioning tool to remove terminals from functions, but you cannot remove a terminal that is already wired. You must first delete the existing wire to remove the terminal.

You also can add or remove terminals by right-clicking one of the terminals of the function and selecting Add Input, Add Output, Remove Input, or Remove Output from the shortcut menu. Depending on the function, you can add terminals for inputs, outputs, or refnum controls. The Add Input and Add Output shortcut menu items add a terminal immediately after the terminal you right-clicked. The Remove Input and Remove Output shortcut menu items remove the terminal you right-clicked. If you use the shortcut menu items to remove a wired terminal, LabVIEW removes the terminal and disconnects the wire.

Built-in Categories

LabVIEW organizes the VIs and functions on the Functions palette using categories. When you install LabVIEW, built-in categories appear on the Functions palette. Some of the built-in categories do not contain objects by default. After you install certain modules, toolkits, and drivers, objects appear in the built-in categories that are empty by default.

LabVIEW also includes categories that are not built in. Categories that are not built in appear only after you install certain modules, toolkits, and drivers.

Click the Customize button on the Functions palette and select Change Visible Palettes from the shortcut menu to display all built-in categories on the Functions palette. You also can click the Change Visible Palettes link at the bottom of a pinned Functions palette to display the built-in categories. The following built-in categories are available on the Functions palette.