Adding Palette Items to the Favorites Category

Use the Favorites category to group together items on the Functions palette that you access frequently. You can add items to the Favorites category using the Category (Standard), Category (Icons and Text), Icons, and Icons and Text formats.

Complete the following steps to add a palette or object to the Favorites category.

  1. On a pinned Functions palette, right-click an object and select Add Item to Favorites from the shortcut menu. In the Category (Standard) and Category (Icons and Text) formats, you also can expand a palette to display a subpalette, right-click the title of the subpalette, and select Add Subpalette to Favorites from the shortcut menu.
  2. Select the Favorites category. Notice that the items you selected now appear in the Favorites category.

Right-click an object in the Favorites category and select Remove Item from Favorites or Remove Subpalette from Favorites from the shortcut menu to remove an item. In the Category (Standard) and Category (Icons and Text) formats, you also can remove objects and palettes from the Favorites category using the Organize Favorites dialog box. Right-click the Favorites category and select Organize Favorites from the shortcut menu to display the Organize Favorites dialog box.