TDMS Advanced Asynchronous I/O Functions

Owning Palette: Advanced TDMS VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System (Windows). This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous I/O functions to asynchronously read data from or write data to .tdms files.

Note  To use the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous I/O functions, you must set the enable asynchronous? input of the TDMS Advanced Open function to TRUE.
Palette ObjectDescription
TDMS Advanced Asynchronous ReadReads the specified .tdms file and returns data in a format specified by the data type input. This function returns data that was previously read into the buffers configured in the TDMS Configure Asynchronous Reads function. This function can execute multiple asynchronous reads simultaneously in the background.
TDMS Advanced Asynchronous WriteWrites data to the specified .tdms file asynchronously. This function can initiate multiple asynchronous writes that take place in the background. You can use the TDMS Get Asynchronous Write Status function to query the number of pending asynchronous writes.
TDMS Configure Asynchronous ReadsAllocates buffers and configures the timeout value for asynchronous reads. The timeout value applies to all subsequent asynchronous reads. You must use this function to configure the asynchronous reads before using the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Read function.
TDMS Configure Asynchronous WritesAllocates buffers and configures the timeout value for asynchronous writes. The timeout value applies to all subsequent asynchronous writes. You must use this function to configure the asynchronous writes before using the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Write function.
TDMS Generate Random DataGenerates random data that you can use to test the performance of the Advanced TDMS VIs and functions. Use this VI in benchmarking tests to simulate the production of data from a data acquisition device. Wire data to the data type input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
TDMS Get Asynchronous Read StatusRetrieves the number of buffers that contain data available for the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Read function to read.
TDMS Get Asynchronous Write StatusRetrieves the number of pending asynchronous writes issued by the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Write function.
TDMS Start Asynchronous ReadsStarts an asynchronous read process. You cannot configure or start an asynchronous read process unless the previous process has completed or stopped. You can stop an asynchronous read process by using the TDMS Stop Asynchronous Reads function.
TDMS Stop Asynchronous ReadsStops issuing new asynchronous reads. This function does not discard completed asynchronous reads or cancel pending asynchronous reads. After you use this function to stop asynchronous reads, you still can use the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Read function to read the completed asynchronous reads.