Array VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Array VIs and functions to create and manipulate arrays.


Palette ObjectDescription
Array ConstantUse this constant to supply a constant array value to the block diagram.
Array Max & MinReturns the maximum and minimum values found in array, along with the indexes for each value.
Array SizeReturns the number of elements in each dimension of array.
Array SubsetReturns a portion of array starting at index and containing length elements.
Array To ClusterConverts a 1D array to a cluster of elements of the same type as the array elements. Double-click the function to open the Cluster Size dialog box and set the number of elements in the cluster.
Array To MatrixConverts an array to a matrix of elements of the same type as the array elements. Wire data to the Real 2D Array input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
Build ArrayConcatenates multiple arrays or appends elements to an n-dimensional array.
Cluster To ArrayConverts a cluster of elements of the same data type to a 1D array of elements of the same data type.
Decimate 1D ArrayDivides the elements of array into the output arrays, placing elements into the outputs successively. This function drops any elements that cause the output arrays to have different lengths.
Decrement Array ElementSubtracts 1 from the specified element of a 1D array. If the array is an array of timestamps, this VI decrements the element by one second.
Delete From ArrayDeletes an element or subarray from n-dim array of length elements starting at index. Returns the edited array in array w/ subset deleted and the deleted element or subarray in deleted portion.
Increment Array ElementAdds 1 to the specified elements of a 1D array. If the array is an array of timestamps, this VI increments the element by one second.
Index ArrayReturns the element or subarray of n-dimension array at index.
Initialize ArrayCreates an n-dimensional array in which every element is initialized to the value of element.
Insert Into ArrayInserts an element or subarray into n-dim array at the point you specify in index.
Interleave 1D ArraysInterleaves corresponding elements from the input arrays into a single output array.
Interpolate 1D ArrayLinearly interpolates a decimal y value from an array of numbers or points using a fractional index or x value.
Matrix To ArrayConverts a matrix of elements to an array of elements of the same data type. Wire data to the Real Matrix input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
Remove Duplicates From 1D ArrayRemoves duplicate elements from a 1D array. This VI preserves the original order of the elements.
Replace Array SubsetReplaces an element or subarray in an array at the point you specify in index.
Reshape ArrayChanges the dimensions of an array according to the values of dimension size 0..m-1.
Reverse 1D ArrayReverses the order of the elements in array, where array is of any type.
Rotate 1D ArrayRotates the elements of array the number of places and in the direction indicated by n.
Search 1D ArraySearches for an element in a 1D array starting at start index. Because the search is linear, you need not sort the array before calling this function. LabVIEW stops searching as soon as the element is found.
Shuffle 1D ArrayRearranges the elements of a 1D array in a pseudorandom order.
Shuffle 2D ArrayRearranges the elements of a 2D array in a pseudorandom order.
Sort 1D ArrayReturns a sorted version of array with the elements arranged in ascending order. If array is an array of clusters, the function sorts the elements by comparing the first elements. If the first elements match, the function compares the second and subsequent elements. The connector pane displays the default data types for this polymorphic function.
Sort 2D ArrayRearranges the rows or columns of a 2D array by sorting the elements in the specified column or row in ascending order.
Split 1D ArrayDivides array at index and returns the two portions with the element of index at the beginning of second subarray.
Threshold 1D ArrayInterpolates points in a 1D array that represents a 2D non-descending graph. This function compares threshold y to the values in array of numbers or points starting at start index until it finds a pair of consecutive elements such that threshold y is greater than or equal to the value of the first element and less than or equal to the value of the second element.
Transpose 2D ArrayRearranges the elements of 2D array such that 2D array[i,j] becomes transposed array[j,i].


Refer to the Arrays in the labview\examples directory for an example of using the Array VIs and Functions.

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