Matrix To Array VI

Owning Palette: Array VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Converts a matrix of elements to an array of elements of the same data type. Wire data to the Real Matrix input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.


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From Real Matrix

Real Matrix specifies a real matrix.
The elements in Real 2D Array are of the same type as the elements in Real Matrix. The order of the elements in Real 2D Array is the same as the Real Matrix order of the elements.

From Complex Matrix

Complex Matrix specifies a complex matrix.
The elements in Complex 2D Array are of the same type as the elements in Complex Matrix. The order of the elements in Complex 2D Array is the same as the Complex Matrix order of the elements.


Refer to the Matrix Fundamentals VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Linear Algebra directory for an example of using the Matrix To Array VI.

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