Interleave 1D Arrays Function

Owning Palette: Array VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Interleaves corresponding elements from the input arrays into a single output array.

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array 0..n-1 must be 1D. If the input array is not the same size, the number of elements in interleaved array equals the number of elements in the smallest input array multiplied by the number of input arrays.
interleaved array[0] contains array 0[0], interleaved array[1] contains array 1[0], interleaved array[n-1] contains array n-1[0], interleaved array[n] contains array 0[1], and so on, where n is the number of input terminals. The following table shows how elements from the input arrays affect interleaved array.

array 0array 1array 2interleaved array
[0, 3][1, 4][2, 5][0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[0, 3, 5][1][2, 4][0, 1, 2]