File-Based Write Filter VIs

Owning Palette: Write Filters VIs

Requires: Application Builder or Professional System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) VIs to protect files and folders in a volume from modifications. You specify files and folders you do not want to protect by adding them to the FBWF protection exclusion list.


FBWF redirects writes to the RAM cache. Refer to the MSDN Web site at to learn more about write filters.

Note  You cannot use the Enhanced Write Filter VIs and the File-Based Write Filter VIs on the same volume.

The VIs on this palette can return general LabVIEW error codes or specific Windows Embedded Standard error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
FBWF Add ExclusionAdds a file path in a volume to the file-based write filter (FBWF) protection exclusion list. The volume must be enabled for FBWF. Files in the FBWF protection exclusion list do not have FBWF protection.
FBWF Cache ConfigureChanges the file-based write filter (FBWF) cache configuration parameters, such as whether to compress the FBWF cache and whether to preallocate RAM space for the cache.
FBWF Commit AllCommits all changes in the cache.
FBWF Commit FileCommits changes on a file. The file must be in the file-based write filter (FBWF) overlay.
FBWF EnableEnables or disables file-based write filter (FBWF) on the current operating system.
FBWF Get Cache Usage InformationReturns the file-based write filter (FBWF) cache usage information of the current operating system. This information includes the cache size in use for files and folders, a list of files stored in the cache, and so on.
FBWF Get Config InformationReturns the file-based write filter (FBWF) configuration information of the current operating system. The configuration information includes information such as the cache size limit and whether FBWF is enabled.
FBWF Protect VolumeAdds or removes a volume from file-based write filter (FBWF) protection.
FBWF Remove ExclusionRemoves the file path in a volume from the file-based write filter (FBWF) protection exclusion list. The volume must be enabled for FBWF. Files in the FBWF protection exclusion list do not have FBWF protection.
FBWF Restore FileRestores a file from the underlying media. The file this VI restores must reside in the file-based write filter (FBWF) overlay.


Refer to the Windows Embedded Enabling Features.lvproj in the labview\examples\TouchPanel\Windows Embedded Enabling Features directory for an example of using the File-Based Write Filter VIs.

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