FBWF Get Config Information VI

Owning Palette: File-Based Write Filter VIs

Requires: Application Builder or Professional System

Returns the file-based write filter (FBWF) configuration information of the current operating system. The configuration information includes information such as the cache size limit and whether FBWF is enabled.


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current session? specifies whether to return the FBWF configuration information of the current session. The current session is the session since the last system restart. The default is TRUE, which means this VI returns the FBWF configuration information of the current session. If current session? is FALSE, this VI returns the FBWF configuration information of the next session.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
config information returns the FBWF configuration information of the current operating system.
FBWF enabled? returns whether FBWF is enabled on the current operating system.
size limit returns the total size, in bytes, of the FBWF memory cache.
compress on? returns whether the cache compresses to meet the cache size limit. compress on?�and preallocate on?�cannot both return TRUE. For example, if preallocate on? is TRUE, compress on? must be FALSE.
preallocate on? returns whether the cache on the current operating system preallocated or dynamically allocates RAM space. compress on?�and preallocate on?�cannot both return TRUE. For example, if preallocate on? is TRUE, compress on? must be FALSE.
protected volumes returns an array of FBWF-protected volumes.
exclusive paths returns a cluster array of file paths. The first element returns the name of the volume. The second element returns the file path excluding the name of the volume.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Windows Embedded Enabling Features.lvproj in the labview\examples\TouchPanel\Windows Embedded Enabling Features directory for an example of using the FBWF Get Config Information VI.

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