FBWF Get Cache Usage Information VI

Owning Palette: File-Based Write Filter VIs

Requires: Application Builder or Professional System

Returns the file-based write filter (FBWF) cache usage information of the current operating system. This information includes the cache size in use for files and folders, a list of files stored in the cache, and so on.


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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
FBWF cache usage information returns information about the FBWF cache usage of the current operating system.
directories usage returns the size, in bytes, of the memory in the FBWF cache used to store directories.
files usage returns the size, in bytes, of the memory in the FBWF cache used to store files.
cache entries returns a 1D array of clusters that contains FBWF configuration information. Each element of the array contains information about one FBWF cache entry, which corresponds to one file.
cache usage returns the size, in bytes, of the FBWF cache memory used to store the file.
open handle count returns the number of open handles of the file
file path on volume returns the path to the file. The path excludes the volume name.
volume name returns the name of the volume that contains the file.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Windows Embedded Enabling Features.lvproj in the labview\examples\TouchPanel\Windows Embedded Enabling Features directory for an example of using the FBWF Get Cache Usage Information VI.

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