NumericConstant Properties

Requires: VI Scripting

Inherits from Constant. View the class hierarchy.

Adapt To Entered DataIf TRUE, the numeric constant changes data type to accommodate any value you enter. For example, an I32 constant will change to a DBL constant if you enter a fractional value. Details
Fixed-Point Overflow Status Visible?Reads or writes whether the overflow status of the fixed-point number is visible. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:ActualReads the actual range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:DeltaReads the actual delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:Range MaxReads the actual maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:Range MinReads the actual minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:BitsReads or writes the encoding of the fixed-point value. Using this property with non-fixed-point controls will cause an error. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:Integer Word LengthReads or writes the integer word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:SignedReads or writes whether the fixed-point value is a signed value. FALSE means signed. Using this property with a non-fixed-point number will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:Word LengthReads or writes the word length of the fixed-point value. FALSE means signed. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:DesiredReads or writes the desired range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:DeltaReads or writes the desired delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:Range MaxReads or writes the desired maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:Range MinReads or writes the desired minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point Representation:Include Overflow Status?Reads or writes whether LabVIEW includes an overflow status with the fixed-point number. Details
RepresentationReturns the representation of the numeric constant. Details