Constant Properties

Requires: VI Scripting

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Auto-Update From TypedefIf TRUE, the constant automatically updates when the type definition changes. Details
DescriptionProvides a description of the constant. Details
Is Typedef?Returns whether the constant is linked to the type definition. Details
LabelReturns a reference to the label. Details
TerminalReturns a reference to the terminal. Details
Tip StripGets or sets the tip strip of a constant. A tip strip is the brief description of the object that appears when you move the cursor over the object. Other products refer to tip strips as tooltips. Details
Typedef:PathReturns the path to the type definition if the constant is linked to a type definition. Otherwise, LabVIEW returns an empty path. Details
Typedef:VIReturns a reference to the type definition if the constant is connected to a type definition. Otherwise, LabVIEW returns <NotARef>. Details
ValueProvides the value of the constant, which is an LV Variant. Details