Constant Methods

Requires: VI Scripting

View the class hierarchy.

Change to ControlChanges the constant to a control and returns a reference to the control. LabVIEW automatically closes the reference to the constant. Details
Change to IndicatorChanges the constant to an indicator and returns a reference to the indicator. LabVIEW automatically closes the reference to the constant. Details
Change to Shared Variable NodeChanges the constant to a Shared Variable node and returns a reference to the Shared Variable node. If you do not specify a shared variable to bind to the node, LabVIEW creates a new shared variable. LabVIEW automatically closes the reference to the constant. Details
Copy DataCopies the data associated with the constant and saves it to the clipboard. Details
Disconnect From TypedefDisconnects the constant from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the constant is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE. Details
Paste DataPlaces the data from the clipboard into the constant. Details
Update From TypedefUpdates the constant from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the constant is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE. Details