WaveformGraph Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control»GraphChart. View the class hierarchy.

To modify the scale or cursor legend in a waveform graph programmatically, create Property Nodes for each element of the legend you want to modify. For example, if you want to modify the scale label, right-click the string element in the scale legend and create a Property Node for that element.

Active CursorUse this property to get and set the active cursor and set properties and methods on that cursor. Details
Active PlotGets or sets the active plot. After you get or set the active plot, you then can set properties or invoke methods that affect only the specified plot. Details
Annotation ListArray of information about all annotations. Each array element is a cluster of annotation elements. Details
CursorReference to active cursor. Details
Cursor Legend VisibleDisplays the cursor legend. This property is similar to the Visible Items»Cursor Legend item on the shortcut menu of a waveform graph control. Details
Cursor ListArray of information about all cursors. Each array element is a cluster of Cursor properties. Details
Cursors Scroll GraphGets or sets whether dragging the cursor outside the bounds of the graph continues to scroll the graph. Set this property to TRUE to allow scrolling outside the bounds of the graph. Details
Ignore AttributesIf FALSE (default), the plot names in the plot legend and the scale names on the graph automatically adapt to the plot names and scale names in the dynamic or waveform data attributes. If TRUE, the plot names and scale names do not adapt to the dynamic or waveform data attributes. Change this property to TRUE if you want to change the plot names and scale names. This property applies only to graphs and charts with dynamic or waveform data. Details
Ignore TimestampIf FALSE (default), the x-scale includes the time stamp information from the dynamic or waveform data. If TRUE, LabVIEW sets the beginning of the x-scale to 0 instead of the value specified by t0. This property applies only to graphs with dynamic or waveform data. Details
Legend:AutosizeIf TRUE, the plot legend automatically resizes to the width of the longest plot name visible in the legend. Details
Legend:DisableDisables the plot legend at run time. Details
Legend:Number of RowsSets the number of rows in the plot legend. Details
Legend:Plot MinimumSets the minimum number of plots to keep in the plot legend. The number of entries in the plot legend will never go below this value, regardless of the data in the graph or chart. Details
Legend:Plot Visibility Checkbox VisibleDetermines whether to show or hide the Plot Visibility checkbox on the plot legend. Use the checkbox to select which plots you want to display in the plot area. Details
Legend:PositionSets the position of the upper left corner of the graph legend in front panel coordinates. Details
Legend:Position:LeftSets the location of the left-hand side of the graph legend in front panel coordinates. Details
Legend:Position:TopSets the position of the top of the graph legend in front panel coordinates. Details
Legend:Scroll PositionGets or sets the position of the scroll box in the scroll bar of the plot legend. To set the position, wire a numeric value to this property that represents the plot number to which you want to scroll. LabVIEW places the plot you specify as the first visible plot in the plot legend. To set the scroll bar to the first plot, specify a value of 0. To set the scroll bar to the second plot, specify a value of 1, and so on. Details
Legend:Scrollbar VisibleShows or hides the scroll bar of the plot legend. Details
Legend:SizeSets the size in pixels of the graph legend. The legend expands or contracts to the right. Details
Legend:Size:HeightSets the height in pixels of the graph legend. The legend expands down, and truncates the height to the closest value that displays an integral number of plots. Details
Legend:Size:WidthSets the width in pixels of the graph legend. The legend expands or contracts to the right. Details
Legend:VisibleShows the plot legend. Details
PlotReference to active plot. Details
Plot Images:BackSets the plot area background image, which is behind the grid lines. Details
Plot Images:FrontSets the plot area foreground image, which is in front of the plot data. Details
Plot Images:MiddleSets the plot area middle plot image, which is between the grid lines and the plot data. Details
Selected CursorsDisplays the currently selected cursor. Details
Smooth UpdateDraws graph with less flicker, but slightly slower. (Mac OS X) LabVIEW ignores this property. Details