Application Properties

Requires: Base Development System

View the class hierarchy.

Use the print properties to configure what is to be printed. Set all the custom printing properties because they default to their previous settings. To actually print VI information, you must use a VI Class print method.

Application:Active:ApplicationGets an application reference to the active VIs owning application. Details
Application:Active:VIReturns the name of the active VI in the application. Details
Application:All Libraries in Application InstanceLists all Libraries currently in memory in this application instance. Details
Application:All VIs In MemoryReturns a list of VIs in memory for the specified application instance. This property returns an error if you wire a remote application reference to the reference input. For a remote application, use the Exported VIs in Memory property to return a list of exported VIs. Details
Application:Auto-Route WiresReturns whether LabVIEW automatically finds a route for a wire. Details
Application:Command Line ArgumentsReturns an array of user-defined command-line arguments passed when LabVIEW launched. Details
Application:Compiler ThresholdGets or sets how complex a VI must be before the compiler limits optimizations to improve editor responsiveness. If the complexity of a VI is lower than the threshold indicated by this value, the compiler does not limit optimizations, thereby improving the execution speed of the VI. If the complexity of a VI is higher than the threshold, the compiler limits optimizations in order to improve editor responsiveness for the VI. To determine the complexity of a specific VI, refer to the Compiled Code Complexity value on the Memory Usage page of the VI Properties dialog box or use the Compiled:Code Complexity property. This property provides programmatic access to the Compiler optimizations slider on the Environment page of the Options dialog box. Details
Application:Current Environment ModeReturns the current environment mode of LabVIEW, such as robotics. If you call this property from a VI in the LabVIEW development system environment, this property returns an empty string. Details
Application:Debug NameReturns the name used for opening a debugging connection to this application or shared library. This method is only useful in built applications or shared libraries. Details
Application:Default:ApplicationReturns the default application reference. Details
Application:Default:Data DirectoryPath to the default data directory. Details
Application:Delete FP Terminal from DiagramReturns whether LabVIEW deletes terminals corresponding to front panel objects from diagram operations. Details
Application:Directory PathAbsolute path to the directory where the application is located. Details
Application:Exported VIs In MemoryReturns a list of exported VIs in memory. Details
Application:KindIndicates the LabVIEW instance the VI is running in, including invalid application types. Details
Application:LanguageIndicates the language of the LabVIEW environment or stand-alone application as a string according to ISO 639. Values include en, de, fr, ja, ko, and zh-cn. Details
Application:Menu Launch:AppReturns a reference to the application instance that launched the calling VI from a menu selection. Details
Application:Menu Launch:VIReturns the name of the VI that launched the calling VI from a menu selection. Details
Application:NameFilename of the application. Details
Application:Save VersionReturns the version number of the LabVIEW file format to which LabVIEW documents are saved. This version number might be different from the version number of the application. For example, LabVIEW with the version number 9.0.1 saves LabVIEW documents with a file format version number of 9.0. Details
Application:Saveable VersionsAn array of the LabVIEW versions to which this version of LabVIEW can save. The array is in reverse chronological order, with the zeroth element being the current version of LabVIEW. Each element of the array is a valid version to pass to VI server functions which save to previous versions. Details
Application:Show FP Tip StripsWriting the property: Setting this property to TRUE enables the display of tip strips on front panel controls. Setting the property to FALSE prevents them from being displayed. Reading the property: Specifies whether tip strips display when idling over controls on the front panel. Details
Application:Target:CPUIndicates the target CPU of an application. Details
Application:Target:Data Cache Entry SizesReturns an array of the entry sizes, in bytes, for all cache levels the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Data Cache SizesReturns an array of the cache sizes, in bytes, for each cache level the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Number of Cores per PackageReturns the number of cores per package the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Number of Logical ProcessorsReturns the number of processing units the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Number of Logical Processors per CoreReturns the number of logical processors per core the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Number of PackagesReturns the number of packages, or chips, the computer or target contains. Details
Application:Target:Operating SystemIndicates the operating system for which the application was built. Mac OS refers to Mac OS versions 9 and 8. Carbon refers to Mac OS X (32-bit). Details
Application:User Interface AvailableIf you are not targeted to a real-time (RT) platform, this property is always TRUE. If you are targeted to an RT-platform and the host is connected, this property is TRUE. When this property is FALSE, the host is not connected, requiring that the Real-Time Module application must be able to handle all operations independent of the host. Use this property to determine when it is safe to display a dialog box that requires user interaction. Details
Application:User NameUser name used to open the application. Details
Application:Version NumberVersion number of the application. In a stand-alone application or shared library, this property returns the version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Details
Application:Version YearVersion year of the application. In a stand-alone application or shared library, this property returns the version year of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Details
Application:VI Of Top Most Block DiagramReturns a reference to the block diagram highest in the Z order, which is most likely the last block diagram accessed. Details
Debug Server:Server ActiveDetermines whether the Debug Server is enabled. You can use this property only in LabVIEW-built applications or shared libraries. Details
Debug Server:TCP/IP Access ListList that describes which TCP/IP addresses of remote clients can access the Debug Server. You can use this property only in LabVIEW-built applications or shared libraries. Details
Display:All MonitorsReturns information about all the monitors on the computer, including their bit depths and bounding rectangles. Details
Display:Primary WorkspaceGives the bounding rectangle of the computer's primary monitor. Details
NI Security:Nobody Logged In?Determines if anyone is logged in. Details
NI Security:UserIndicates the name of the user who is currently logged in, using the format of <Domain Name>\<User Name>. Details
Operating System:Build NumberBuild number of the actual operating system. This string returns an alphanumeric value of the build number that you can use to compare the build version of operating systems. This property is read only.
Note  A newer version of an operating system often returns a larger alphanumeric value.
Operating System:Detailed NameDetailed name of the operating system where the application is actually running. This string value returns the operating system and its version. This property is similar to a combination of OSName and OSVersion, which return the platform name and a numeric version number respectively. This property is read only. Details
Operating System:NameName of the operating system where the application is actually running. Details
Operating System:Version NumberVersion number of the actual operating system. Details
Palettes:Controls NamesReturns the names of all the items in the Controls palettes for a given application reference. Details
Palettes:Functions NamesReturns the names of all the items in the Functions palettes for a given application reference. Details
Printing:Available PrintersReturns an alphabetized array of printer names available on the computer. Details
Printing:Color/Grayscale?If TRUE, LabVIEW sends color/grayscale output to the printer. If FALSE, LabVIEW sends monochrome output to the printer. Details
Printing:Custom All Controls?Specifies whether to print all controls or only the controls wired to the connector pane when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Cluster Constants?Specifies whether to print the hidden contents of iconified cluster constants that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Connector?Specifies whether to print the connector pane and icon of VIs when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Control Descriptions?Specifies whether to print descriptions of front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Control Label/Caption?Specifies whether to print the label and/or caption for each control when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Control Types?Specifies whether to print data type information for front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Controls?Specifies whether to print front panel control information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Description?Specifies whether to print VI descriptions when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Diagram Hidden?Specifies whether to print the hidden frames in Case and Stacked Sequence structures that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Diagram Repeat?Specifies whether to print visible subdiagrams of each Case, Event, and Stacked Sequence structure in sequence with the non-visible subdiagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If you print the visible subdiagrams in sequence, those subdiagrams print twice. Details
Printing:Custom Diagram?Specifies whether to print block diagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Express VI Configuration?Specifies whether to print the configuration information for any Express VIs on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Hierarchy?Specifies whether to print the hierarchy of the VI in memory when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom History?Specifies whether to print the VI revision history information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom List of SubVIs?Specifies whether to print a list of the subVIs and Express VIs including the icon, name, and path when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If a polymorphic VI is a subVI, LabVIEW prints the instance used in the top-level VI including the icon, name, and path. If the top-level VI is polymorphic, LabVIEW prints a list of all the instances of the polymorphic VI including the icon, name, and path of each instance. Details
Printing:Custom Panel Border?Specifies whether to print the front panel with a border when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Custom Panel?Specifies whether to print the front panel when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
Printing:Default PrinterGets or sets the name of the default printer in LabVIEW. Details
Printing:File Wrap Text LengthMaximum number of characters on a single line in a file. Affects the Print:VI To HTML, Print:VI To RTF, and Print:VI To Text methods. Set this property to 0 to print all the characters on one line so the text does not wrap. Details
Printing:JPEG QualityPercentage value from 0 to 100 specifying the level of quality you want for the JPEG graphic in VIs printed either interactively or with the Print:VI To HTML method. The scale balances image quality and file size. A value in the 75 to 95 range produces a compressed file with a high-quality image, and a value below 50 produces a smaller file size with a low-quality image. The default is 80. Details
Printing:MethodGets or sets how LabVIEW prints. Details
Printing:PNG Compression LevelNumber between 0 and 9 that specifies the level of compression you want for the PNG file for graphics in VIs printed either interactively or with the Print:VI To HTML method. The quality of the graphic is not affected by the compression, but the graphic file size and speed of compression are affected by this value. Valid values range from 0 to 9 and balance file compression with speed. 0 designates no compression. 1 designates less compression, but faster speed. 9 designates high compression, but slower speed. If you enter –1, LabVIEW selects the best combination of speed and compression. Details
Project:Active ProjectReturns a reference to the LabVIEW project that is active when this property executes. A project is active if the user has the associated project window in focus or any member of the project in focus, including VIs, controls, and project libraries. Details
Project:Owning ProjectReturns a reference to the project that owns the referenced application. Details
Project:Projects[]Returns an array of references to each LabVIEW project in memory. You can use these references with the Project properties. Details
Project:Target ItemReturns the associated target item of the application reference you specify. Details
Remote Panel:Connections To ClientsReturns an array of clusters containing connection information about the clients currently connected to the computer. Details
Remote Panel:Connections To ServersReturns an array of clusters containing connection information about the servers to which the computer is currently connected. Details
Server:Logging EnabledSpecifies whether the TCP interface to the VI Server is logging operations to a file. Details
Server:Logging File PathPath of the log file created during TCP/IP communication. Details
Server:PortGets or sets the LabVIEW VI server port. LabVIEW returns an error if you attempt to access this property on a remote application. Details
Server:Service NameGets or sets the service name for the LabVIEW VI Server. Details
Server:TCP Listener ActiveSpecifies whether the TCP interface to the VI Server is currently accepting connections. Details
Server:TCP/IP Access ListList that describes which TCP/IP addresses of remote clients may access the VI server. Details
Server:VI Access ListList that describes which VIs on the VI server are accessible by remote clients. Details
Web Server:Config File PathThe path of the LabVIEW Web Server configuration file. Details
Web Server:Default Config File PathThe path of the Web Server configuration file that contains the LabVIEW default configuration. Details
Web Server:HTTP PortThe port to which the built-in Web Server listens for HTTP requests. Details
Web Server:Logging EnabledDetermines whether the built-in Web Server logs to a file information about HTTP requests. Details
Web Server:Logging File PathDetermines where the built-in Web Server places the log file. Details
Web Server:Read TimeoutDetermines how long the built-in Web Server waits for read operations to complete when the Web Server reads HTTP requests from HTTP clients. Details
Web Server:Root Directory PathSpecifies the root directory from which the built-in Web Server loads files for document requests. Details
Web Server:Server ActiveDetermines whether the built-in Web Server is enabled. This property immediately changes the status of the Web Server without requiring you to restart LabVIEW. Changes using this property are not saved across sessions of LabVIEW and are not reflected on the Web Server page of the Options dialog box. Details
Web Server:TCP/IP Access ListSets or gets the TCP/IP addresses that have access to the Web Server. This property also sets or gets whether each address has access to view a VI remotely, view and control a VI remotely, or does not have access to the Web Server. Details
Web Server:VI Access ListSets or gets the VIs that are visible through the Web Server. This property also sets or gets whether LabVIEW allows access to each VI. Details