TreeControl Methods

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

Custom Item Symbols:Get SymbolReturns the item symbol as a cluster of image data so you can draw it as a picture using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the image to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs. Details
Custom Item Symbols:Get Symbol ArrayReturns the item symbols as an array of clusters of image data so you can draw them as pictures using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the images to files using the Graphics Formats VIs. Details
Custom Item Symbols:Revert All To Built In SymbolsResets all item symbols to the default symbols. Details
Custom Item Symbols:Revert To Built In SymbolResets an item symbol to the default symbol for its index. Details
Custom Item Symbols:Set To Custom SymbolSets the image of an item symbol. Details
Custom Item Symbols:Set To Custom Symbol ArraySets the images of all item symbols. Details
Double ClickReturns the unique tag of the last item the user double-clicked or returns an empty string if the user did not double-click an item since you last called this method. Details
Edit Tree Items:Add ItemAdds an item to the tree control. This method returns a unique tag for the new item. Details
Edit Tree Items:Add Item to EndAdds an item after all existing items in the tree control. Details
Edit Tree Items:Add Multiple Items to EndAdds items after all existing items in the tree control. Details
Edit Tree Items:Delete ItemDeletes an item from the tree control. Wire an empty string to tag and a value of TRUE to Delete Children to delete all items in the tree control. Details
Edit Tree Items:Move ItemMoves an existing item to a new position in the tree control. Details
Edit Tree Items:Set TagSets the unique tag of a tree control item, which you use to modify the item or to gather information about the item programmatically. Details
Edit Tree Items:Sort ChildrenSorts the child items under an item alphabetically. Details
Navigate Tree:Get ChildReturns the tag of the first child item under an item. If the item has no child items, the method returns an empty string. Details
Navigate Tree:Get Next ItemReturns the tag of the first item after an item at the same level in the hierarchy. If no items exist after the item at the same level in the hierarchy, the method returns an empty string. Details
Navigate Tree:Get Parent ItemReturns the tag of the parent item above an item. If the item is the topmost item in the tree control, the method returns an empty string. Details
Navigate Tree:Get PathReturns an array of unique tags for each item in the path from the root level in the tree control to the item. Details
Navigate Tree:Get Previous ItemReturns the tag of the item immediately before and at the same hierarchical level as the one you provide as an input. If no items exist before the item at the same level in the hierarchy, this method returns an empty string. Details
Open/Close:AllExpands or closes all nodes in the tree control. Details
Open/Close:Ensure VisibleScrolls to an item and if necessary, expands nodes in the tree control to make the item visible. Details
Open/Close:ItemExpands or closes a node in the tree control. Details
Point to Row ColumnConverts a pixel coordinate to a tag-column pair in the coordinates of the control. This method also returns whether the point is inside the bounds of the content rectangle and whether the point is within the custom symbol of the cell. The method returns the tag TREE_COLUMN_HEADERS when you wire a point that is within the tree's column headers. Details