Control Methods

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject. View the class hierarchy.

Attach DataSocketNational Instruments recommends using front panel data binding through the Shared Variable Engine or using the Bind To Network Path method to attach a data connection to a control. This method allows you to attach an opc, ftp, and http connection to a control on Windows, and a dstp and file connection to a control on all LabVIEW-supported platforms. You can add new connections only at edit time. Details
Create:Control ReferenceCreates a control reference for the control and returns a reference to it. Details
Create:Invoke NodeCreates an Invoke Node for the control and returns a reference to it. Details
Create:Local VariableCreates a local variable for the control and returns a reference to it. Details
Create:Property NodeCreates a Property Node for the control and returns a reference to it. Details
Data Binding:Bind To Network PathBinds a control to an NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) network path. You can add new connections only at edit time. Details
Data Binding:UnbindUnbinds a control from an NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) network path. Details
Data Operations:Copy DataCopies data from the control to the clipboard. Details
Data Operations:Paste DataPastes data from the clipboard to the control. Details
Disconnect From TypedefDisconnects the control from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the control is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE. Details
Fit Control To PaneResizes the control to the size of the pane that contains it and sets the control to scale with the pane. Details
Get ImageReturns an image of a front panel object. Details
Get Terminal ImageReturns an image of the block diagram terminal of a front panel object. Details
Reinitialize To DefaultReinitializes the value of the control to the default value. Details
Remove DataSocketRemoves an opc, ftp, and http connection from a control on Windows, and a dstp and file connection from a control on all LabVIEW-supported platforms. Details
Start DragStarts a drag and drop operation using the specified control as the source. Details
Update From TypedefUpdates the control from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the control is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE. Details