Edit Tree Items:Sort Children Method

Short Name: Edit Tree Items.Sort Children

Requires: Base Development System

Class: TreeControl Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Sorts the child items under an item alphabetically.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
tagNoUnique tag of the item whose child items you want to sort. The default is an empty string, which represents the root level in the tree control.
Sort ColumnNoThe column that contains the strings you want to use to sort the child items. The default is 0, which uses the strings in the leftmost column to sort the items.
Case SensitivityNoSets how to handle upper and lowercase characters while sorting the child items.

0System Default (default)
1Case Sensitive
2Case Insensitive
Sort RecursivelyNoIf TRUE, the method also sorts all items under the child items. If FALSE (default), the method sorts only the child items directly under the item whose tag you wire to tag.
Reverse OrderNoIf TRUE, the method sorts the child items in reverse alphabetical order. The default is FALSE.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes